That's right my uncle is getting an Elite for X-Mas and has given me his old 360!
That's right my uncle is getting an Elite for X-Mas and has given me his old 360!
Lots of ebate about this game and I would just like to say there are things I like and dislike about this idea. I wanna say that I am a HUGE KOTOR fan, loved the first and the second and even though the 2nd one was cut off at the end because of time constraints it was clearly being set up for a final part to find out what happened to Revan, the Exile and the rest of the gang. With this MMO being set 300 years after all that, all these characters will be dead I assume. They say characters will return but it's obvious these will be HK47 and T3M4 and none of the major characters. I really wanted to see how they wrapped up the obviously planned trilogy and now the only explanation we will get is probably in a quest where the quest giver will briefly give reference to wtf happened to all the characters.
On the other hand, I really like the idea of an MMO in the KOTOR universe and I think it will be a very good game. Unlike Galaxies, having thousands of jedi and sith running about will make sense and fit into the canon and the storylines and universe from the first two games have set up some great canon to explore further. It will be a great game but it will ruin the story experience because as others have said, you will make game changing consequences only for them to be done again by other players a few moments later. Now, my idea for it is that all the normal areas, cities, outposts etc are like the standard MMO afair. But it should feature instanced story missions ala Guild Wars to push on the story. To prevent silly continiuity players can not reach certain points until they do these missions and they cannot go back to places that have been affected by a storyline progression once a mission is complete. So if in one mission a planet is destroyed or a main NPC is killed, you won't see the NPC or the planet again unless you make a new character. That's my basic idea.
I do think the MMO has great potential, seeing players take alliegance to the republic or the sith will be awesome to see and the pvp potential is superb. The instanced missions i came up with could even end with an end game boss of a saber duel between you and another character from the opposing side! Of course, who knows if all I have said will happen lol.
I still really want a KOTOR 3 to be made, I seem to remeber Obsidian saying that 'they were waiting for the call' so you never know. Perhaps the two could be made together and be released side by side? It won't happen but I wish. A direct sequel to the beloved series accompanied by an epic multiplayer space war experience, sounds good eh?
Was in Florida wfor 2 and a half weeks and came back with The Simpsons Game, God of War Chains of Olympus and Wipeout Pulse for PSP. All are awesome although I'm done with Simpsons and God of War already cos they're so short!
Bought Halo 2 for PC yesterday meaning that I am now back on LIVE using some of the old 1 month Gold cards I still had from my 360. Halo 2 basically Halo 3 with a different campaign. Graphics are near idential which shows perhaps how disappointing Halo 3's visuals were although Halo 2 has been updated a bit. Multiplayer is still awesome, way more maps than Halo 3 and they are more varied. LIVE works great on PC.
Also got Mass Effect on PC which again is so much better than it was on 360. Better graphics even though no pop in or awful framerate issues. Better controls, better menus etc.
Very pleased with my new PC and that I got rid of 360 because all the 360 exclusives I miss out on will make their way to PC eventually as these games and others have shown. Next up on my shopping list is Gears of War PC.
By the way to afford Mass Effect I traded in Dark Messiah on PC, GT5 Prologue on PS3 cos it was taking up almost 7 GB on my hard drive and I never played it and also traded in FIFA 08 on PS3 because new footie games out in September and the value of it will drop to about £1 soon so I thought to get shot of it now while it still has value.
I GOT A NEW FREAKIN COMPUTER!!! Absolutely fantastic! My old one being about 6 years old was chugging along a bit now and my Dad went out with me and just said, 'Fancy a new PC.' It was great! Got 4GB of RAM with a 500GB hard drive and a bloody nVIDIA Geforce 960GT graphics card! Got Crysis of course and can play on very high settings with the framerate holding up with just a bit of chuggin along on occasion (that game is insane!). Absolutely chuffed!
In other news, Mum went out with my sister and they picked up the new Buzz PS3 game which we all had a go on and we all agreed that it was a fantasic and fun family game.
Firstly, love the 1.40 update. Sony did a great job with the XMB and the trophies. Also just bought Super Stardust HD which is great (better than Geomety Wars). Also got Top Spin 3 today for what seemed like the good price of £26.99. So far so good but it's quite hard.
Metal Gear Solid 4 came out today so I whipped off to Gamestation after school and got it while trading in PES 2008, Ratchet and Clank and Turok. Also got FIFA 08 to play with my mates.
Can't wait for the install to finish! Will post review soon!
LEGO Indiana Jones arrived a day early and I'm chuffed. Can't wait to start playing it and I might actually post my only second ever review by reviewing this game.
Great way to end my GCSEs for this year as I can't wait to get back into the serious gaming time that I've missed out on over the past few months. Time to get back into GTA IV too!
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