This is definitely not an "entirely new game". I don't know how anyone could even say that. The characters are almost entirely from past games, which could still qualify as "new" if all of their models were redesigned with new outfits, or all of their moves were reworked, or even if everyone was equipped with new core gameplay mechanics, but it's not. Much of the cast probably barely has any changes to their moves, animations, designs, or audio, most of the stages and items are probably replicas of stages and items from previous games with occasional visual updates. You can't really call this a "new game" when the vast majority of the assets are just reused from the previous game. This is an updated version of Smash 4. That doesn't make it bad, but to make silly claims like it's "entirely new" is ludicrous. It's an updated port with a few bonus features. If on its release 2/3rds of the characters, items, stages, moves, modes, mechanics, etc, turns out to be different than Smash 4, then I'll consider it a new game, but right now it looks like a port with a little bit of polish.
Not to be a stick in the mud here but it seems that this review lists "you might make new friends" and "there's no in-game instructions so you have to have someone else explain the game to you" as positive points for this game. Isn't that sort of thing a given for any game where you interact with other people though? People used to tell me fatalities on Mortal Kombat and I've made a number of friends on League of Legends, but I wouldn't necessarily hype those things up in a review. I know that everybody is riding Pokemon Go's diglett right now, but I was hoping for a completely unbiased review that highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the game, honestly. When "you'll probably talk to someone" is a highlight of the game then it sounds like it's lacking as an actual GAME. You might as well say "fight people without actually inflicting any real life harm" or "occasionally you might win a battle" are selling points.
This may help, but really the nerf I want for Torbjorn is a limit on how many you can have on the same team. When a whole team goes Torbjorn and Reinhardt and the only way to get a shot on a turret is to step into the line of fire of two other ones it completely sucks the fun out of the game. When a game has one strategy that renders most of its cast obsolete, changes need to be made.
I really like this idea, honestly. I always hear feminists complaining about being under-represented in games since there are supposedly just as many female gamers as males, yet I've always felt that they're complaining about mainstream games but fueling their arguments with statistics from casual games, so it'll be interesting to take note of how frequently women seem to show up vs men.
Not paying $180 for Final Fantasy 7. If it's something like Hitman where you can buy each episode for a lower than full game price or you can get all of them for the price of one game then I'm totally onboard. I'd go as high as $80 for the full FF7 story. But if they're taking what was one game, keeping all the same major plot points, padding it for a little extra runtime, and trying to get paid 3 times for it, no, they will not be getting any money from me. I'm already sour that turn-based combat is absent.
Stuff like this is why I've absolutely grown to hate feminism. This isn't an entire gender, this is one character, and the pose isn't even sexual, her outfit is. Someone looking over their shoulder with their weight more on one foot is not a sexual thing. I've seen males in this pose. It's more of a cocky and slightly dangerous thing that I'd see someone like Dante from Devil May Cry do. But all that is beside the point because, like I said, it's this one character. If they made a guy who wore and open button-up shirt that showed off his chest and he flaunted his beauty like Vega from Street Fighter I would not feel like they're sexualizing and dismissing my entire gender. I would say "oh, they've got a bunch of characters with various personalities, this guy's character is that he thinks he's gorgeous and he's arrogant about it". There's nothing to be offended over.
This is why phrases like "grow some balls" or "man up" or "stop acting like such a little girl" are all still used and relevant. Because stupid instances like this which are showcased ALONGSIDE COUNTLESS OTHER CHARACTERS AND TRAITS IN THE SAME GAME THAT REPRESENT WOMEN AS EQUALLY AS POWERFUL AND SKILLFUL AS MEN are blown out of proportion. Women choose to only focus on the stuff that they can whine about, even if that's as trivial as one pose out of an entire game. Frankly, it's pathetic.
I bet it's a lesbian. It's okay to put gay men in comedies but if you're doing an action series it's going to be a lesbian. They're in everything nowadays.
Cherubas' comments