A very mediocre film indeed.
The Good: Interesting idea...even if it's a sixty year old idea. Well written dialogue. Mostly well acted...wait, there's only one character.
The Bad: Not scary. Badly paced. Too much product placement. Pointless story. I'd rather see the 40's Vincent Price version for comedy value.
Something that was actually worth my trip was what came before the film. I doubt many of you know this but if you go to see I Am Legend at an IMAX Cinema (of which there are only two in the country) you get to see the first six minutes of the new Batman film before hand. Wa wow wee wow! That film looks goood! I really can't wait now; the new Joker is the the coolest villain I've ever seen. Also, this was my first ever trip to the IMAX - twas amazing. The screen is the hight of 7 elephants or something stupid - it was great.
That's all really, I can't be bothered to go into this in anymore detail, especially I Am Legend- after all, this is a video game site.