...about when Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway comes out in the UK.
As many of you may know, the new BIA is my most anticipated game of 2008, especially seen as it was supposed to come out in November last year. Well, I've been doing a lot of snooping around for a definite release date lately and I've found so many that's it's incredibly hard to know what to follow.
My most hopeful date is the end of this month; 29th Febuary found on Amazon.co.uk and gamestation.co.uk. I'll keep checking up on this date every week or so, then go into my local GameStation on the 29th demanding the game. Chances are though this release date is a dud.
The nest most hopeful I found on a forum saying that the game is scheduled for March, which wouldn't be so bad, then I've got the April 1st date (which is a US date because April Fool's Day is on Tuesday this year) off UK Gamespot and then I've found a June release date off a couple of sites and forums.
The most depressing release date is one I heard in a rumour on a forum, but that rumour was at least partly justified by my look at amazon.com (the US site) which seems a fair bit more organised that the UK site as they have release dates down for things that arn't scheduled for some time like Far Cry 2. I did read some where else that the US release date is supposed to be after Europe's, strangely, but I doubt there'd be such as big gap as Febuary to October between the releases.
So, to conclude, my results are...well, incunclusive, to be honest. I'm just going to remain positive and hope for some where before June. If the **** hits the fan though and October is official, I'll just buy Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 next month.
Happy gaming all, and I hope you have more luck than me.