I've had a mixed reception from people from Gamefaqs via use of the shared boards. On the one hand they've been pretty helpful, on the few occasions I've needed to know something it doesn't take long to get a straight forward and usually helpful answer.
Then there's the whole other side to it. Having grown pretty bored of the GS boards at a few points I was pretty much exclusively posting on the Dead Rising board for a while and recently I've been hanging around the GH2 board. It doesn't take long to realise that everybody at Gamefaqs is a videogame prodigy, and that you wiul never reach the same level of skill that they have through nastural ability and years of rigorous training. The boards mostly serve for people to massage their egos and show off, the kind of people who would call someone a 'scrub' for failing to pass Jordan on expert blindfolded without using their hands... and getting less then five stars.
After a while it gets pretty tiresome, seeing people talk about how awesome they are and how everyone else sucks. They should all decide to meet somewhere and sit in a circle to slap each others backs all day, I'm sure they'd like that.
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