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More fanfic !

Don't worry, it'll soon be out of my system...

Aiai’s childhood was a happy one: a simple existence on his little desert plain, with his family around him. His days were filled with the simple pleasures that make life good, sitting in the shade and enjoying a nice banana on a drowsy afternoon. All was fine… until the day that they came.
Aiai now lived a cruel existence. He envied Baby, for this sick parody of existence was all he had ever known. Encased in a plastic ball made daily to perform for the promise of a single banana… on the track you tried to get what you could, going balls out into a string of floating yellow bananas only to have them disappear in a small yellow twinkle when they collided with the prison you carried around.
Many times Aiai had tried to end his life, rolling over the Fast Forward switch and flying headfirst into a twisting tunnel, trying to violently shake his brains to pieces before flying off the edge, only to find himself back where you started…
On rare occasions he was forced to partake in ‘games’ - the ferocious competition between two to four primates, driven mad by their cruel and unusual torture. Once it was over the performance no longer ended. The ‘victor’ was made to stand… throwing the trophy around before being made to injure themselves humorously with it. No more he said one day… no more…
He hurled the trophy at his captors and made a break for it. He was going to make it ! He would see those sunny plains again and join his family once more ! As the door came closer he could almost taste those juicy bananas…
As Aiai went through that door his heart sank. He saw before him a long and winding path with moving platforms and he heard that sound, *shump*, and was once more enslaved…