It's like none of you even know who he is. Gosh.
Chevolutionary's forum posts
I mean sure, he likes to post overly long responses and he drinks Natty Ice, but he's a pretty swell guy, and he managed to hook a fine looking fiancee, so he must be doing something right.
Please let me know your thoughts on Scoobypat - you will be credited in the unofficial biography that I am currently writing.
Competitive multiplayer matches and unmoderated comment sections are not the kind of places you can engage people in a serious discussions about sexuality.
The online gaming community in general is a pretty hostile place for a lot of groups - particularly for gay people, women and pretty much any ethnicity aside from white, where derogatory terms concerning each are regularly thrown around in most online games.
With that said, I don't really understand why you would make a point of letting people that you are a gay gamer. Not that I'm suggesting it's anything to be ashamed of, but knowing the above facts about the community, why would you highlight it? You're just making yourself a target for abuse. Wouldn't it be much easier to just be part of the crowd?
Personally, I don't care. Someone's sexuality isn't any of my business, the same way that mine isn't any of theirs. Doesn't affect my ability to press buttons.
I can overlook mediocre gameplay if the game has a great or interesting story but I cannot overlook bad gameplay. If it's not even remotely fun to play then I won't wast my time.
I'm also in agreement with this. I really enjoyed Ni No Kuni, despite the mediocre gameplay, because of the look, atmosphere, soundtrack etc, but I could't bring myself to play through Deadly Premonition, despite having loads of people recommend it, and it absolutely sounding like the bizarre kind of story I'd enjoy, because actually playing the damn thing always felt like a chore.
I can't quite figure out whether the reviews are jokes or not.
I think so. I hope so.
You've misunderstood. What gamers mean when they say 'objective reviews' is a review that agrees with them/what they've already decided.
Instead we get minimalist reviews, written by a robot, and opaquely scored. Look at what we have done. This is why we can't have nice things.
@Chevolutionary: Probably not. He is dead.
Be honest about it, people are opting to pay their own bills to save some money in most cases.
I've never done an even split with anybody who walked away laughing to themselves because they paid a little less than they 'should' have for a meal.
In my opinion, splitting a bill by itemising and assigning everything according to individual orders just says 'I'm assuming you people are trying to rip me off, so I'm just covering myself'.
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