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ChibiToshirou Blog

What FFVII Character are you???(guess who i got on my first try!?!?!?!?!?)

I read my friend noah's blog and yeah, it was a quiz and haha he got sephiroth.. but i got...

Cloud.jpg Cloud image by arionavilaaa

Cloud Strife!!! yeah!! on my first try too!!! hahaha!

wanna see da results? k!

Which Final Fantasy VII Character are you like?You scored as a Cloud StrifeYou are Cloud Strife Formerly of SOLDIER



red XIII-53%




Cait Sith-43%




O yeah!!!


Well... It isnt that good but if u wanna know how i made it... then ask my friend COLMILLIOS!!! she was the one that helped me make this banner. I just recently got Gimp cuz i wanted to make a banner, but i didnt know how... so i asked a few pplz and Colly over here was nice enuf to tell me how!!! w0000hoo! so ya i used wut u guys call renders. and oh my goch i just love the fact i know how to make these types of things now! :3

taking paint to a whole new level...

WOW! i have been like doing so much lately with designing things... so i thought... paint doesn't seem to meet up to my needs for designing. so i was just lookin on random blogs... and i was lookin at a couple of my AWESOME DESIGNER FREINDS's banners and i was like... i bet they made that on gimp...:( and i of course thoughtu had to pay for it but come to find out... ITS 100% free!!!!!!!!!!! so ya i got gimp and i will be takin a little break on paint for like 2 days so ill have to hold the requests for now! so just wanted to say im experimenting with gimp!!!


Zomg! guess what pplz of the earh!?!?!? I am thinking about making a deviant art file this weekend... but before that i will finish ALL of the kingdom hearts organization 13 weapons but ill have to change the defects of the scythe some tie...!! yay!!! but just to show off my abilities... here is my favorite character- Riku's keyblade (Way to the Dawn)!!! Zomg!!!


...oh yeaaahhhh... thats awesome...

ok now here's my maj until i get a deviant art! -

ok... now go there if u wanna see the pictures i made a long time ago, and won't be on deviant art. but dont worry... ill put all the good stuff on there!!! now ok, after this weekend i am not going to take any more requests unless you absoloutley NEED me to make it... but i WILL definately finish all the organization's weapons this weekend so be patient... :3

Microsoft paint requests!

OOooooo000oook! in my past blog i was all like "hey i can make stuff on paint! yay! but now guess what... i thought that if YOU guys told me what to make on paint then it would give me more stuff to do with all the time i have to waste!!! :3

so... im taking requests only on blogs that say in them "requesting you know all that crap..." so if you want me to make sutin from a game you really like or a movie or sutin then dont be afraid to ask! just so you know i made this keyblade on paint from the awesome game kingdom hearts II!!


its kinda big tho.. lol... well any way my maj file is at-

it has a lot of my koll little things i made on paint on it! yay! so ya.. taking requests starting now!

Ok i finally finished the two requests i got so here they are!


thats the tomahawk!

and now the scythe...


yay! there u go!

ok now axels things yay!

axel.png gonna need a new blog... lol

if u wanna see the other stuff go to my maj...

ok now for vexen's shield yay!!!



Ok now for the claymore!!(did i spel tht rite...?)



there's xigbar's sniper from the top view! yay! i wish i could make the ammo part tho.. o well!

Fire emblem- M.s. paint!!!

Ok... I've been workin with paint with my bro (theconscience) for like 2 years, so are you ready... for.....

From fire emblem- Ike's sword Ragnell! and... The black knight's sword... Alondite!! w00t!


well... how u like 'em?

I made them on microsoft paint.

the one on the left is Ragnell and the one on the right is Alondite

I tried to make them like how they are in fire emblem, but you can tell me if they suck or not!! :3

Ok.. now are u ready for a little more fire emblem goodness...??


Oh yeah...

P.s. ... Mordecai

Fire Emblem Radian Dawn... *twitch*

aiiyaaahhh!!! I got this awesoooommmeee!!! game for christmas called fire emblem radiant dawn and its just so fun!! i cant stop playin it!!

(fav. characters- Haar, Ike, and of course the black knight! X3)

o ya comment if u like fire emblem or u just wanna say hi!

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