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ChickenBot Blog

GameSpot Entry (I HAVE A PSP!)

Welp, I've got it: my newest portable. I've got five games on it now, and I've already beaten two. The games are pretty short though, that's a minor disappointement, but they're still fun. I'm enjoying "Ratchet and Clank: SM" a lot, but I still haven't gone too far into that game. Right now, I'm half done with "Daxter", and should be finished in one or two more days.

(Gamespot Entry) Final Fantasy XII

Yeah, I use GameFAQs a lot, and spend little time on GameSpot. It's the same either way I suppose. But I think I'll stick to GameFAQs. Anyways, I mentioned I recently picked up Final Fantasy XII before, and wow. Just wow. It's another Square-Enix masterpiece; a truly awesome game. I'll have to recommend it for you guys with a PS2.

( Entry) Level 2 Achieved!

I've level upped to Level 2 now and also got the Contributite award. Exp. percentage seems to zoom up with contributions. It took me two days to get to 70%!

I just picked up Final Fantasy XII today. I also recently beat Jak X: Combat Racing.


Update: I'm at Level 4 now. Sorry for the late update... >_>

( Entry) Adjusting well...

I'm adapting quickly to My percentage has been stuck at 80% for three days straight even after a few posts in the forums and lots of browsing on the TV shows I watch. Everything's going well. I just have to fix my school grades. 2006 is turning out to be a major pain. Literally.