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Michael Vick

Sadly, I am going to weigh in on the Vick situation. I had hoped that there would be some people out there with some sense. There are those who are violently opposed to Vick and there are those who essentially put forward the idea that he's not as bad as all that. To begin, Vick should go to prison and a real prison at that. This should not be a Hilton situation where they seem to be able to leave when they like and serve their time in allotments. Once his time is up he should be treated just like every other ex-con. He should not be singled out for hate nor redemption because of his previous celebrity (who am I kidding with "previous").The justice system is setup for rehabilitation and so, if it can work, we should let it.

My sticking point on this issue is the time he should serve. Vick's actions demonstrate that he is unfit, just like all animal fighters, for society. The time to truly rehabilitate someone like this will take longer than 1 to 2 years proposed. Some people might respond by saying, and they have, that the reaction(and probably the punishment) does not fit the crime. I hope that this is just oversight on their part. They argue that people hunt deer and other animals and then proudly display their kills in their homes. Others say that he did not kill a person, but he is being hounded as if he did. But let's think about what he did. He not only participated in these fights once or on occasion, he actually funded and organized the operation. This is all together different from hunting or killing a human. With hunting, a legal sport, it is often used to keep animal populations in balance and therefore safer. For instance in Mississippi, a recent report showed there were more deer than people in the state, which not only threw the ecological balance off it aslo increased the risk of deer related car accidents. Furthermore, if you have a problem with hunting do something about it. This is a democratic republic we live in, which means you approve not only the leaders but also the laws.

Another thing is that hunting involves "wild" animals. Dogs are domesticated, which means they are often like children (This is alsowhere I address the not killing a human approach to Vick). They are moldable and dependent from their youth. This, to me, makes what Vick and the others did even more disgusting. These dependant animals, these dogs, who had no means of sustenance and happiness outside of their demented owners were treated thus. The argument could be made that this abuse of a dependent animal might show how Vick and others might treat children. This is not to say he would, but the scenarios are very similar. It isalso difficult to compare this to an adult human for these reasons. Rare is the case that another adult human is completely and utterly dependant on someone. Even in a rare case like that, the dependant is very child-like in that relationship. This makes any action like that of Vick's all the more disgusting. For me, this is worse thankilling an adult human. At least then, generally, it is not so one sided. It is not a cruel killing by a master of its completely dependant charge.

As for the statements that Vick should get a second chance, he has already had several. Each day, each fight, each dog he tortured and killed was a second chance. It is clear that he does not want a second chance, but that is what the prison sentence should do to him. This process of rehabilitating Vick should really make him sorrowful for his actions. To truly cure or rehabilitate a person so depraved as this (or at least one so willing to bathe in his depravity) it will take more than just a year or two in a prison. Even after a longer prison stay Vick should be placed in a special home where he continues to undergo mental rehab for a number of years. Hopefully this little rant has illuminated that these actions are not slight goofs, these are the working of a truly sick person, one who can without qualms torture and kill those for which they are responsible to feed, protect, and afford opportunities of happiness. This situation demands more than nominal justice, it needs true rehabiliation.

As far as Vick being able to join the NFL after serving his time, that is up to those in charge, who I might add are looking for the approval of the people. Then again it might make little difference if he is found guilty of gambling, since the league has strict rules against it.Personally, I think that gambling is rather trivial in light of the twisted mentality that Vick has demonstrated, but the NFL has its own priorities. I think it will serve as a bad example for all the children out there that are watching if he is allowed to return without reservation. Again there, for me, needs to be true repentance and change on Vick's part. However, as I said above, this is really in our hands as Americans. We really decide if Vick should play football again and we decide his pay. If you believe he has changed once his time is up then by all means support his return. If you oppose his return then voice your opinion, petition the team owners or those who might give him endorsement deals. The only reason he ever lived a life of luxury is because we, Americans deemed it so, and believe it or not you will decide his NFL fate after prison. Curse these liberties, freedoms, and responsibilities we are burdened with as Americans, they are so annoying and time-consuming.

In the end we should not be filled with hatred toward Vick nor should we look at his actions as an acceptable goof. This is an extremely serious situation that demands our participation as Americans to see that it be addressed properly.