I got Viewtiful Joe for $2.
ChildOfGaming7's forum posts
Not often. The only games I play online are Halo 3, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2*, and Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing. Not much in Halo because they probably moved on to something else, not much in MvC2 because...idk... And not much in SASASR because racists probaby think that game is too kiddie. They mostly show up in Halo, though...
*Man, I cannot wait for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.
I did. I liked S&P:SS better than any other rail shooter on Wii because it was action-packed and intresting. Insted of just shooting zombies or terrorists in an enclosed space, I was flying around big cities and structures shooting at a lot of aliens, in my honest opinion.
Collector. Shame I didn't start until like last year. Remember kids, if it's possible, try keeping your games. You won't regret it. ;)
Decent graphics, but hopefully Activision understands how the can expand out from the N64 game overall.
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