I think people are overly harsh on Molyneux. He's made populous, black and white, dungeon keeper and fable, all amazing games and yet he's talked about as if he steals peoples babies and throws them at kittens. Fair enough Fable 2 was average and 3 was dump but surely that doesn't erase an otherwise great career.
Also does anyone know if that official long gameplay trailer from quakecon has been released yet? I know there were pirated versions out there but they appear to have been taken down.
Once I get skyrim, the outside world shall cease to exist. Honestly wont care if the global economy collapses.....once it happens after 11/11. My only concern with the game is I hope the have better post release support this time around.
When I first heard of DLC I actually(naively) thought it was going to be a good thing. In my head I was just thinking of a new platform and incentive for developers to release additional decent quality/lengthy expansions to the games I loved, maybe 4-6 months post release. I did not however foresee the day 1 dlc packs for \$10. I did not foresee portions of games being cut off from the consmer to be released via a password at extra cost a week later. I did not foresee the gimping of used games sales or the degradation of single player campaigns in favour of the more profitable multiplayer nickle and dime model. It seems I did foresee quite a bit. What I can predict is this trend continuing for a long time to come because as long as we as consumers continue bending over and giving money to these publishers they're going to continue giving it to us harder and harder from behind(financially of course :) ) edit : correction
Chilloutcolin's comments