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Don't know why it took me so long.....

But I'm finally getting around to talking about Brothers in Arms.

It's a great game. Some people say it's overhyped, but I don't think so. While the graphics aren't state of the art, the gameplay is solid. They've got a pretty ingenious system going on with the team combat. Context sensitive acitons determine what the command reticle looks like- over solid ground it looks like the 'move' command, over an enemy soldier it changes to the 'attack' command. Holding down both triggers while aiming at an enemy tells whichever fireteam is selected to charge the bastards you're aiming at.

Anti-tank combat is friggin great. Right now I'm trying to play through the Authentic setting- no icons to tell you if an enemy is suppressed, tougher enemies, etc. You get special features for completing levels on different difficulties, so it has tons of replay value. Combat's exhilarating as well.

So now I've got permission to order components for a PC online but I can't get the money for it until I get back from Norwich Military Academy in Vermont, and I'm going up there to check it out as part of a field trip typre thing. After NMA I can order the PC parts off and can expect them to come pretty soon. Until then, I just have to wait.