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I never liked clowns anyway.

So a few weeks back, a couple guys dressed up as clowns break into a nuke silo compound in the West or something. They cut through the fencing, they pound on the silo doors with jackhammers and stuff. Then security came and beat their asses, which is appropriate, seeing as how they bust onto military property. They claim that they're trying to disarm the missiles inside, but the way I see it, these guys are idiots.

They publicly claim that they decided they would try to disarm these Minuteman nukes by messing with the warheads, and one of their proposed methods is-get this!- pour their own stupid blood on missile components!

Wow. How stupid can you get?

First off, pouring your blood on missile components is not dramatic, it's stupid. It's not a heroic action, it's emo, for Chrissakes! Maybe you think you're heroic for risking your life to stop 'murder weapons' or whatever, but it's really just plain dumb. The interior of a missile may be soft, but it takes plenty of effort to break the skin.

IF you get into the goddamn missile siol in the first place, which brings me to my second point, you goddamn idiots! Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually get in a silo?!? It's buried hundreds of feet underground, in contrete and meta, crying out loud! Jackhammers?!? That's like trying to kill a tank with a spitball. Hell, I even read a whole exposition on the resiliency of these silos from a guy who worked in one. What kind of morons think they can break into a missile silo with a Jackhammer from the top?!?
Civilians, that's who.
This is my position on nukes: I hope we don't have to use them ever again. And I doubt we ever will use them, despite the biased and irrational opinions of people who absolutely hate the President to the point where they believe that he thinks he can or will commit every possible sin while he's in office.
And the way I see it, those nukes are much, much safer in the silos than in a friggin decommissioning plant. Why? Because, despite the fact that nuke security is so idiotically slow that they took 45 minutes to get to the morons, it's too  hard to break in anyway. It's like trying to run up a wall- impossible unless you've got some really, really hardcore breaching material. But unlike a wall, even a ton of C4 is a dubious proposition.
A decommissioning plant is way, way easier to break into.
Ironically enough, I just read a book including a hitman posing as a clown.

Disclaimer: While I may sound pissed in my writing, I'm really just irritated. I am notorious for exaggerating my emotions, at least according to sibling kind.