So this chick, Ilia, in Legend of Zelda, I'm hazarding a guess that she's Zelda. It makes sense- Blond hair, green eyes, gets kidnapped by a giant demon with a sword. Now the baby that the demon takes with, that's a mystery.
Rumor has it Zelda can turn into a hawk- I don't know. It's a great metaphor for Link's incompatibility with Zelda- wolves can't have sex with birds, and Zelda and Link never get together. Of course, i don't know if it's true that they never get together because I haven't been able to play any of the original games. But maybe that'll cahnge with the advent of wireless Revolution gaming, with those downloadable games. Nothing would be sweeter.
Except maybe Ayeka in a bikini.
"I had sex with a bird and now I have Asian bird flu." -Tycho