See, I'm trying to stifle my anger. Why? See, although I do not advocate rivalry between consoles- frankly speaking, I think that it's a moronic concept to ditch out on one console for another because of some stupid bias. However, this may be kind of hypocriticals, because I have an unrelenting hatred for Sony. I think of them as the MTV of video games- even if Microsoft catered to MTV for its' big release. Their mutant upbrining was Nintendo's fault, sure, but something about them just pisses me off. Maybe it's the fact that every Capcom game that was labeled 'exclusive' for Nintendo later turned out to be a PS2 release as well. Maybe it's the fact that they stole a whole plethora of franchises from Nintendo when they seceded. Maybe it's because they'll be the downfall of Nintendo, like Zeus was to Chronos. I don't know. All I know is, I absolutely friggin hate them.
So when I hear that Sony's processor is in fact easy to program for, when I hear that it is far more powerful than the X360 ever will be, it makes me mad. Very mad. I'm getting ulcers right now.
Well, I feel better knowing that Halo 3 is going to take the wind out of Sony's sails(pun?) next year. Hopefully. If it doesn't suck.
On an enraging note, and I'm not going to get too political but I have to say this- Newsweek needs to be shut down or something. They tell everyone that Gitmo soldiers flushed a Koran down the toilet and it sparked riots that killed 18 people. All they get is a slap on the wrist and say 'Oops, sorry'. These are the same guys that convinced us of 'broken heart syndrome' which is actually a derivative of chronic stress and called it an epidemic- same thing with West Nile and bugspray causing cancer. Freedom of the press, sure, but this is anarchy.
I think that was too much.