That's a line from HitchHiker's. Specifically, Life, the Universe and Everything, which is also the name of a Gamespot Union. Actually, I forget. And 9x6 is actually 54, but then, this is British math.
Interesting. I'm looking up some stuff on this Abu Nidal Organizaiton and it's history is pretty much a dead giveaway to wether or not Hussein supported terrorists. Granted his ties to Al-Qaeda were communicative at the time of the invasion, but the fact remains that he supported plenty of other smaller organizaitons, like Abu Nidal and the PLO. Plus I heard we found some good ol' friends from the Achille Lauro hiding in Baghdad even while our tanks were rolling in to the streets.
His WMDs are probably in Syria, otherwise how could France, Germany and Russia all agree with what the CIA was saying, by word of their own intel agencies, and all of them still turn out to be wrong?
Seems kinda wierd. And nobody's really found any proof of "Bush's weapons of mass deception", so to speak, so I'm not worried. And then there's the whole thing about how oil is actually important for the infrastructure of, oh I don't know, the entire planet, so it's more likely that we're trying to help keep the globe from spinning apart than stealing it for Enron. Can you imagine what would happen if we ran out of gas and the trucks stopped moving? Well, for starters, there's the whole 'starving africans' thing that would get a lot worse. But enough of that.
DAMMIT, I want to be a Gamespot complete member, so I can track more games. But that requires a credit card and I don't have that.
Full Spectrum Warrior 2 looks pretty cool. So far there hasn't been word on it from Gamespot but there was an article in Xbox magazine. Half Life 2 looks pretty good. I'll buy it retail for my PC though, when I get a friggin 6800GT. just a few more weeks......
In the meantime I guess I should try asking my sis to buy me some manga.