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Music That Makes You Feel!

I have never been a massive fan of pop or dance music, my tastes have always led me to American Country music, Rock, Blues, Jazz and The Rat Pack. Neither have I ever been into Classical or Opera...... until now. Let me explain. A long time ago, when I was around 15, a group of my friends got me to go to a Live Action Roleplay event (see the film Role Models). Yes it involved dressing up in high fantasy armour and pretending to be Elves, Werewolves and the like while beating ten bales of sh*t out of each other with rubber swords, but my god did we have a laugh. Now I have many memories of my years Live Roleplaying, from the roar of 600+ people running towards each other at the Gathering Battle, to the spooky Dragons head and shoulders appearing in the Ritual Circle at midnight (trust me, the special effects were amazing!) all these memories have been brought into sharp focus in my mind recently while playing Dragon Age Origins. The soundtrack to that game is amazing and worthy of film so I bought it on iTunes. Listening to that while writing this blog entry is quite frankly inspiring stuff. It's even making me want to go rummage in the shed for my armour and swords after all these long years. This got me thinking of other video game soundtracks. Heavy Rain is another whose production values are so high it would be worthy of a Hollywood Blockbuster and I'd be surprised if someone doesn't write the screenplay for it. With musical scores of this sheer quality how can people say that Video Games are not an art? I've seen plenty of films with sub-par soundtracks and yet Film is considered art. Do yourselves a favour, go and listen to Heavy Rain and Dragon Age Origins, I guarantee it will get the old imagination going.