Chirotera / Member

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Time, where have you gone? I miss you.

Well it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Reality often falls short of my ideals, I'm afraid. But let's take a moment to be honest here. We're racing towards the end of what has been the best six months of gaming that I can recall going all the way back to the NES. I can actually afford the games that are coming out though and I think that might be a factor. Let's review. Since September I have bought and played;

Halo 3

The Orange Box (barely touched outside of Portal, for shame)

Eternal Sonata

Ace Combat 6

Guitar Hero III

and NHL 08

That's six games in four to five months. Normally I'd be hard pressed to have a new game once every two to three months, with a glut of christmas presants filling out what I missed previously. The worst part is these have all been, in my opinion, must have titles. The problem compounds when you start looking at November. In the next month I will purchase;

Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect

and Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

The first two titles promise to be deep and time consuming. Kane & Lynch will equal to quite a few hours of co-op goodness with a good friend of mine. Still, I don't have time to play all of these titles fully as well as being able to dive further into other games I've been neglecting. I barely have time to play the games and as such, this blog has suffered. I haven't been able to review anything (or find a good criteria to do so). Then of course you have Christmas upcoming and I anticipate receiving;

Call of Duty 4

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War (Yeah I know, but I actually enjoy games such as this)

and A distant hope of a PS3 and Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, or Resistance: Fall of Man

I doubt I'll even be done with Assassin's Creed or Mass Effect by that time. In retrospect though, it's a damn good problem to have. The games I'm playing now I can easily see myself continuing to play well into the summer months. 2007 has been great for gaming, bad for my wallet, I only hope that beyond GTAIV and MGS4 that 2008 takes a step back and gives me time to gather my thoughts and retune my skills.

My questions to any of you readers out there (if you yet exist) what games are you playing or looking forward to? How are you affording them? And do you have the time to actually play the ones you want to play?