All I wanted to know was how much when and show me some mind blowing games. Sony didnt let me down in these request but didnt seem as they were as excited as I was for the upcoming nextgen push. Of course MGS4 and FFXIII looked absolutely amazing. I am also glad Sony decided if it aint broke dont fix it and kept to the old controller design. I have to say though Sony has some balls for their pricing for the PS3. I know I will get one, most likely even two, but the average consumer is another thing. We shal See I guess.
Ok Nintendo I am SOLD on your controller. I just hope developers actually think outside the box and make some game that utilize the thing like you have shown. The possibilities are endless. Zelda, wow yeah I know the wait seems like forever but man it should be worth it. The demonstration had me all excited.
Everything was fine till Bill went on the stage. OMG I almost fell asleep. Halo 3 was cool but i wish they could have shown more than some CG cutscene which was short IMHO. Dont shove useless ploys for use to spend more money on your xbl just show us some games. The games running on Windows Vista looked nice but I really was hopig for some more innovative original titles not just ports :/.
Hopefully the next week will show us more of what is to come for all 3, untill then I will continue to drool over some more MGS4. ^^
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