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Chris-man-87 Blog

I BEAT IT!!!!!(yay)!

Just a few moments ago MikeMoose help me beat Gears of War on Insane. I might play the campain again but probably not for a while. In other news I have 490 agility orb in Crackdown.

Just a little file pimpage

So yeah... look around new banner, new blog header(that a friend of mine made). Im probably going to change the banner though but Uhhh.... yeah!

        In other news Ive almost beaten act 2 in Gears of War on Insane. Insane isnt really that hard once you get used to it(for me anyway:D ). Im at the part where you drive the Junker and scare the Kryll away. I probably could've beaten it this morning but I had to go to school.

I hate being sick!

Well Im back from Hawaii for those of you who didnt know (got back 2 weeks ago). Ive just been staying in school until today. Yesterday my mom was feeling sick and went to the doctors and he said she had some sort of virus. So I wake up today and my nose is stuffy and my throte is sour and my head hurts. Ill probably just be on the computer and on Xbox Live all day.:(:)

Boat Trip!

My aunt just happens to work at this boat company in Kauai called Holo Holo charters and just happened to get us on a boat today. It was sweet! Our captain was really cool. He looked like a retired hippie with his Ozzy Osbourne glasses and funny looking mullet. The ride was about 5 hours:( but it was really cool though:D. We saw where they filmed Jurrasic Park and I even got to go snorkeling with my aunt(along with 20 other different people). All in all this boat ride kicked.


Hawaii is awesome!

       A few weeks back my grandma decided to take only her and I to Kaua'I. This is my second day here and its fun! My grandma and I arrived at the airport at about 5:00 Cali time and 2:00 here time. Its awesome because my aunt and uncle live here so we dont have to waste money on some s****y hotel, though we did in Sacramento but that one was pretty nice. The plane ride was a little boring. I listened to some Ozzy Osbourne, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Sweet Childs O' mine (Guns N' Roses), and OPM if anybody's heard of them (there rock). I also watched The Pursuit of Happiness which for those of you who havent seen it its about some poor black dude who keeps getting poorer and poorer. Its one of those movies where the creators try to mess with your emotions. After that I watched about 30 minutes of the Lords of Dogtown on my PSP, when the plane started descending. We flew on Aloha airlines. For those of you who have flown before it hurts like hell in your ears when you are descending. We landed on Hawaii, the big island, and had to get on another plane to get to Kaua'I. After that my aunt and uncle picked us up and we all went home. Later at 4:35 my aunt and grandma took me too the Poi'pu beach. I took my aunts boogy board. Man are those things fun! After that I called it a night. The next day(today) we traveled around the island and I kept begging my aunt to take me too the beach (my uncle had to work). She eventually took me too the beach which sucked because the waves were flat and the sand under the water was really rocky. To make it up my aunt took me too a different beach. It was soooooooooooo windy there which was good because that made bigger waves. The beach wasnt rocky either. I cant really call it a nice beach though because all the sand near the parking lat was covered with sticks. Whoosh! These waves were great for boogy boarding. Except for the really big ones. Those tossed me and turned me getting sand all over me. It was fun until I tried to hop this wave that had to be at least 2 feat taller than me ( I was laying down). It got hold of me and made me do a front flip, and hit stomach and head first into the sand where I could'nt breath. Luckily the wave passed allowing me to get up and crawl to shore. I am done with the beach for the day unless my aunt takes me to that first beach again. So yeah my time here in Kaua'I is awesome!

Happy Saint Patty's day!

Enjoy this Irish day lads! My dads side of the family is Irish. I dont know what were doing today though. I might sell my gamecube since I never play it and havent gotten a game for it in over a year so yeah.

Im Baaack! AGAIN!

Hello fello Gamespot friends! Ive been gone for a while now playing some Xbox Live and some other good games and life. Ive missed out on some emblems I see. And I just turned level 9 it looks like. WOW do I need to get on Gamespot more. As you can see my Gamertag for XBOX LIVE is Sk8er23. Sooooooo yeah I might send some of you some friend requests on live. I also forgot to mention only 3 days ago I had to be taken into the hospital. Why? Well it had something to do with the plate-lits in my blood but luckily I got out this morning so now Im better than ever. Im turning 15 here on the 20th. For my b-day Im asking for a router (for XBL to go in my room so I dont have to go in the living room and do it), An iTunes gift card, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Gears of War, and Target gift cards if anyone else is going mto get me something. Yeah. My life. Im gonna go now.Talk to you guys Oh... maybe.. a few weeks or months depending on how my gifts turn out for my birthday.

Sorry I've been gone.

 Ive been playing a lot of 360 and listening to a lot of a lot of iPod. Ive almost beaten THP8. I just got to the Fun Park last night. Smackdown vs. Raw I've also beatin as well. TDU is still pretty fun. I did this mission where I got 73,000 $ so I bought a Corvette, Grade B. Pocket bike racer has too many glitches and XBL arcade unplugged is boring. The iPod is great! I just downloaded MissMurder by AFI and You dont know by 50 cent, Cashis, Eminem and Lloyd Banks. Gotta go. My 360 needs some gameplay.

More $ and two new 360 games.

 Last night was Christmas and in my last blog I said I got 85$. Well... I LIED! AT the time I did have 85$ though. The real amount of $ I got was 165$! I got more money Christmas night from these Irish or English popper things in which 2 people pull  it apart. The person with more of the popper on there side is the winner. Anyway, the two new games I got were Raw vs. Smackdown 2007, and Tony Hawk's Project 8. I still have money to get another game which might be Gears of War. I might get something else like a pair of shoes though.
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