Chris3123's forum posts
Sorry about the spoiler I assumed every one knew about Weir leaving.shockwave04
So why is it still there? I'm surprised you even posted that as the title. Say I post a thread regarding the upcoming death of a character, and the title says "**** dies in '******'". Also, say it had already been reported earlier that that actor was leaving the show. After a complaint I post this: "Sorry about the spoiler. I assumed everybody knew about (actor) leaving the show." Really, same deal. This is as big a spoiler as a death. Please, edit your thread title.
Sorry for seeming snippy, but I was just upset to see such a big spoiler right there for all to see, with no warning whatsoever. :x I try to avoid spoilers, you see. This kind of thing really aggrivates me. Again, please edit you thread title, for the sake of any who might venture into this forum into future.
babylon 5 was on TNT(or was it TBS?)ChasinFury
It was on TNT for the last season only. The first 4 aired in syndication.
Ok but what about the cold of space? I think it would be around -200 or something which im not sure is survivableKurushio
You do not instantly freeze because, although the space environment is typically very cold, heat does not transfer away from a body quickly.
if there was a sun anywhere close then he would have been baked pretty quickKurushio
That depends how close you are. If you were close enough, yeah. Otherwise it would only cause a really bad sunburn.
As for the gun firing in space, it's possible if the gunpowder is oxygenated. And that's just assuming that the Lucien Alliance's guns work the same way as ours.
did you found that at the Nase web site or something ???shockwave04
Well, I knew off the top of my head that a person wouldn't instantly die, and that he wouldn't explode. For the other stuff, I did some simple, quick research. There's this thing called Google. ;)
I liked it. Nothing too special, but nothing really bad. Good solid episode. I really liked the end, when Mitchell tricked that alien guy to shoot at Netan's ship. :P
I did have one problem with this episode where they beamed that dude in space he should be dead instanty. (for the people who don't know he head should of been blown off by the vaccum of space.)tmblackmaster
The laws of physics and the guys at NASA disagree with you. :|
For the record:
1. A person can theoretically exist in the vacuum of space for as long as 30 seconds without any permanent harm to the body, so long as the person does not try to hold their breath (Holding breath can result in lung damage). Conciousness isn't lost instantly, either. After a minute or two goes bye, then you start dying.
2. No part of a person's body would explode in a vacuum. Swelling, yes. But no exploding. Exploding heads are pure science fiction.
I've seen better ship mods for Freelancer.shockwave04
I've seen better ships for the same game.
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