Okay, I'm here to talk to you about my Bioshock demo impressions. Upon hearing all the hype about this game, (Bothon PC, but mostly Xbox 360) I decided to download the PC demo for myself. I have a fairly powerful system (A 3 GHz dual core processor, two gigs of RAM, a NVIDIA 7800GT 256 MB graphics card and a 21-inch widescreen monitor.) After downloading the game from Steam, I booted it up and it ran pretty well and at a consistent frame rate. Another nice bonus was the fact I was able to use my Xbox 360 PC controller without any issues at all. It's all just plug-and-play. (Finally, games are getting with the program, and I'm able to finally use the controller that has been sitting and collecting dust for months.).
When playing the game, I found everything to be richly detailed and acting the way that it should for not having a direct X 10 card. The AI in this game is crazy. I was just getting my bearings, what I was attacked by this crazy person and getting a beat down from an enemy called a Splicer. From what I can remember, I ran into two types in the demo: one is called Thuggish, (this kind, I guess, uses pipes to beat me down.) while the other is called Leadhead. (This type just shot at me with a gun.)
In response to this enemy, I discovered neat little things called Plasmids, gene therapy that can cause my body to do things like shoot lightning bolts from the hand (also called Electro-bolts.) and throw fire (also called Incinerate. That's quite obvious, huh?) As it says in the game, the most efficient method of killing these splicers's art to blast them with a plasmid and then beat them down with a melee weapon (I started out with the wrench. Useful little thing, Gordon Freeman, s crowbar comes to mind, and upgraded to a revolver and a machine gun.)
One of the neat little environmental effects I found is the ability to use the environment to my advantage. For example, a splicer is standing in a puddle of water, I could use electro-bolts to electrify the water and electrocute them. As I went on, I encountered another little enemy called a Little Sister. I don't think I have ever been so creeped out by a videogame enemy before. The people who programmed this game and did the voice acting were superb. Not too long after that, I watched this "little girl's" protector come in and kill some guy who was shooting at her brutally. After that, the demo went into an FMV mode that showed me all the other goodies this game had in store IF I bought it.
It was just a demo, but I give the game 4/5 stars. I do this because of something rather disturbing. Some hidden software in both the final game and demo called a root kit. I despise things that hide from me and can't be removed easily. I installed this game. I should be able to uninstall it, just as cleanly.
Let's hope the public outcry on this issue forces whoever put this software into the game to do something to remove it. This alone, discourages me from making the purchase of the PC version of this game.
As has already been seen, Xbox 360 owners, go for it. It's a very worthy game. PC'ers, stay away from this game until the root kit issues have been worked out.
(This is my first blog, so you can go head and be as critical as you like. I'd like to know how I did.)
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