Yesterday I went to see Resident Evil:Extinction and it is a long awaited sequel to Resident Evil: Apocalypse. (At least for me.) One thing that I found at the end of RE:A was that Alice was extraordinarily powerful and seemed under Umbrella's control. Here, she doesn't seem to remember it or how to access her powers. Of course, if you're under mind control of someone, you probably won't remember anything when you're back to yourself. During one of the scenes, it shows she has telekinesis control.
I'll stop here for those that haven't seen the movie and since I don't wanna ruin it with spoilers.
One of the things that I noticed was that they used an element from one of the S.D.Perry, ResidentEvil stories, Calliban Cove. It talks about a type of Zombie called a Tri-Squad, a set of three zombies that have been injected with a special strain of virus that restores some intelligence and memory and that basicallycauses them to work together to take down a enemy. I found that element very interesting and fresh and wonder if that wasn't a ploy to expose new people to S.D.Perry's RE novels? Very interesting none the less. The use of Albert Wesker was nice,but under used as I only saw him in a few scenes. I have a feeling that since the ending left it open for another movie, they aren't done with Mr. Wesker. I look forward to seeing what they do with the next movie and his character vs the way he's portrayed in the games.
For those who see this movie, I recommend checking out the S.D,Perry Resident Evil game world based novels that can be found here:
I also recommend the soundtrack which can be found here:
It sounds just like Marilyn Manson and was probably done by him and then remixed by the guy who's listed,Charles Clouser.I looked him up and it actually said he's done some remix work on Manson's albums.
Bottom Line: This movie and it's soundtrack are very worth checking out and both are going in my collection as soon as the DVD comes out to complete the set so far and as soon as I can get to my local Sam Goody to grab the soundtrack.
Hope ya'll enjoyed my first Day At The Movies blog. They'll be more to come.