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Reliance on Documentation

Reliance on Documentation

It seem to me that the abundance of knowledge being transferred these days is absolutely mind boggling in comparison to that of not just a hundred years ago but even ten years or go or less, but the amount of actual experience has been shortened considerably.

It's as if we practically worship the written word and use it as a guideline for not only moral guidance but as a foundation for one's convictions and character. Who is more wise, the blind man who touches the sand and feels it between his fingers, or the deaf man who reads of the sand's texture and analyzes its structure via the written word?

It would seem that if all the debaters in the world were to be put in a pool, that in no time flat the water would convert into a whirl pool of infinite regression. We take more upon the word of an intellectual who studied a country in ruin from afar, than of people who actually live there.

With the invention of language also came the contradiction, the paradox, and the reliance on various religious scriptures that became the foundation of a man's faith. We beat our heads against a wall covered in words, instead of looking past that wall and admiring the sight of which the wall depicts.

It is not language and the written word which is the farce, but instead upon our almost complete acceptance of it as a means to utter truth, or as a means to an end. But what we get instead is debate after debate of "On which side is the grass greener?" or various other quotes which could have almost no meaning or relevance to a man's true convictions.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, which is because actually seeing something is a thousand times more effective than talking about it. What affected you more, a man's ramble of how tragic a child's mutilation is, or seeing that child in person, crying every time she lays eyes on her stump which use to be her arm?

Taking the word of the media regardless of how uncorrupt or true they wish to be simply dwindles in comparison to effect of actually experiencing of which they speak, and until one actually experiences a certain event, one cannot give a totally honest question/answer of its meaning or significance.

We take pride in our ability to analyze a situation and to ponder both ethical and metaphysical conundrums, and much pride is deserved being able to do so, but when it arrives to a point when it has taken hold of the continuity of both culture, cognition, and the future of human relations, a tenacious feeling comes over me that is neither cold logic nor irrational bigotry, it is the crying of my experience which tells me that the whole world is going mad.

Now say you need a man to take care of a rather large rodent in your home, who would choose between the two? The one who has formulated a supposed perfect plan on how to defeat the beast, or would you hire the guy you just watch do it fifth teen minutes ago with a rodent of similar size and voraciousness?

Now I am not stating that language and the written word is a terrible thing, but that it is a tool which must be used in correct moderation, the correct situations, and for the advancement of your moral, political, religious, and cultural convictions, and only after you take hand in truly participating in the events which you speak of.

Much like a pair of large hedge trimmers, if you use them too much your hedges will be ruined, if you use them to cut your dog's hair than- I'm not going to answer that one, and if you use them to cut off your neighbor's head for sleeping with your wife, without knowing it was really your wife's twin sister, than all you have a dead man and a imprisoned man.

People's egos have become so bloated because they watch the news or read the paper, and then give their pretentious judgments on said events as they sit in comfort. Many intellectuals have become children with higher cognitive and analytic abilities but no real experience on which they speak, and when the experienced man becomes an intellectual they are profoundly more successful than their pure analytic counterparts.

I believe I once heard someone say: "I'd rather be an actor in a play, than the guest who views it, for it is the actor who delves deeper into the character."

Note: I am well aware of the contradiction in posting such an elaborate construct of text based on this premise, but hey… Fight fire with fire.