clothes, jamba juice gift card, $140, spirit tracks, stephenie meyer's The Host, and an adam lambert and lady gaga CD. tomorrow im buying kingdom hearts 358/2 days, and new extensions.
oh goodness, well lets see... this morning i had donuts. lunch i had a little bit of steak. and for dinner... i had cake and ice cream, and ice cream cake. because today's also my brother's merry birthday aha :) yeah he was born on christmas.
8.5/10. I'm super happy with the things I got. However, there were just 2 things i wanted i didnt get. but thats okay cuz tomorrow im getting them with the money i got muhaha :)
i think they are sooo disgusting. they're bad for you, one pack is really high in calories, and my brother told me that they do something bad to your inside's digestive system (or something like that). and what's weird is that the last part i think i heard from a teacher somewhere in my school. i dont remember tho.
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