Resident Evil proved to be more troublesome than I ever thought it would be. After an hour and a half so of replaying the beginning over and over, I still just could not get use to the control; I'm still thinking with the mindset from the last RE game I have played. Sadly, RE has to sit on the sideline for quite some time. I'm just not in the mood for horror and the controls at the moment are just too frustrating.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter turned out really good. The last BoF I played was the very first one. It was a decent game though it felt rather dry. So fast forward to years later and I'm playing the last BoF that came out. I wasn't expecting anything new, but Dragon Quarter did surprise with some really good and well executed ideas, i.e. a controllable camera to see enemies around the corner. I think this may be what Magna Carta was trying to go for, but somehow it just didn't come out right. Sadly, BoF: Dragon Quarter is going to the ever growing to-be-played pile.
In regards to Magna Carta, I have been bouncing back and forth between that and Radiata Stories. Ty is under the presumption that I liked Magna Carta, but I'm not. I'm one those people who would like to see a series to the end, even if it is crappy (I'm looking you, Evangelion). Of course, there are a few exceptions to my way of thinking, like Red Ninja and Star Wars III. Anyhoo, the more I play Magna Carta, the more flaws I see. At this point, the only thing Magna Carta has going for it is the artwork.
Thankfully, I have Radiata Stories to balance this out. The game is far from perfect, but it is far more enjoyable to play. The most capivating thing about the game is the great sense of humor it has. While many RPGs focus more on the dramatic side of the story, Radiata Stories goes in the opposite direction and focus on the lighter, humorous side. So far I have very few complaints about the game.
And now for something totally unrelated...