While balancing between The Sims, X-Men Legend II and other long over due personal work, I manage to sit down and play a little of a couple of games Ty picked up some time last week - Ace Combat 5 and Shadow of the Colossus.
Ace Combat 5
I don't think I was ever this intrigue by a flight sim or seen one with such a well developed story and cast as Ace Combat 5. I'm still a little unfamiliar with the controls; a few rounds in the tutorial can remedy that. Definitely worth trying out.
Shadow of the Colossus
I played thru the first couple of colossi. Very cool and innovative with a huge, incredible environment. Even though it is listed as an action game, it leans more toward puzzle. Will definitely play more some time soon.
On another note, I ended up deleting all the files for all the half finished games. Some for some unknown reason got corrupted - I can start from the last save point, but the game would crash. Others because I was out of it for so long, I lost my groove for it. And some, simply because I got way too pissed from repeating myself over and over.
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