Ahhh, the good old days. I miss those all-nighters when calling up Mr. Pecksniff, or Zigg battling it out in Command & Conquer or Red Alert. The old days of Kali...playing Descent2 and trying to setup a 3 or more player Duke Nukem game. Even trying to run the Quake 1 test over Kali. <sniffle> It'll never quite be that cool again. Sure the games now rock as far as visually and even the number of players, size of maps, etc etc. But something about being one of those 'pioneers' if you will; that almost brings a tear to my eye. Those all day and night Saturday morning till early Sunday morning, if not until Sunday evening of Expert-CTF Quake on the ProAxis server...ah hell yeah, THOSE were the good ol' days.
Then of course came counter-strike, bunch of snot-nose little camping punks, can't handle the intensity of the non-stop ferocious action of the Quake 1 world. But that's another story altogether.
As is that damn life-draining real world destroying Dark Age of Camelot. <sniffle> That all went to hell too. But that's also another story.