A lot happened in Shinnoh last night. First of all I am very pleased to announce that my Chimchar EVOLVED into...
Monferno! All that sour food, and a bunch of Pokemon battles, finally got to him.
I caught a Starly. Here he is...
After talking to a guard in Oreburgh he gave me an old fishing pole, which I used to catch...
Magikarp! I caught a male and a female version, not sure if that's significant or not. Think they'll breed? Probably not considering they're stuffed into Pokeballs.
I met the president of the Poketch factory who sent me to find three clowns who had some very simple questions to ask. If I got the questions right, he'd give me a Poketch (a Pokemon watch)... The questions were SUPER EASY so the Poketch was mine. Currently it tells the time, counts my steps, shows my Pokemons' health levels and is also a calculator! As I said in my TV interview, it's 'coolness'. Supposedly there are more apps you can install on the Poketch, can't wait to find some!
I caught a female Bidoof to keep my male Bidoof company, a female Starly and almost caught a Shinx but my Monferno was too powerful and would beat all comers in one hit whilst all my other Pokemon were too weak. Maybe later today...
Finally, I acheived my first badge! The first gym leader was using rock based Pokemon but despite using Monferno, who is fire based, I totally owned him :lol: