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Oooooh America...

Been for 4 weeks in America, and even though I love my country so much, I gotta say I love America as well, not for the food and the silly rules they have around them and the way they actually treat people, but simply because everything is much cheaper there than here.
You see, I bought basically 5 PS3 games and 1 PSP game for the price of 1½ here. :P So now I can throw Unchaeted Double Pack, Ico & Shadow of the Colossus pack and Demon's Souls in the PS3 games collection. And Patapon 3 for the PSP one. ^_^

I am so amazed how cheap the games are in the US! I mean.. If it wasnt because there was so much other things that I spent my money on (food, books, gifts for boyfriend + family) then I would have filled up my luggage with tons of games! I have bought SO many games from Steam as well, because the pricing is almost the same wether it is in dollars or euro, and mind you, the currency difference is significant. A single euro cost more than a single dollar, and if you buy, lets say, Skyrim, for 50 euro, then you pay more than if you bought it from the American Steam for 50 dollars. I hate it, but it is nice when you actually is in America and then you go shop amok. :D

I suppose you'd shake your head in wonder why I dont spend my money on clothes because I am a girl... but to be honest, games is much more fun than buying clothes. :D Except when it is video game clothes.... mmm damn I need to buy more clothes now! ;(

EA to the Game - E3 conference review

I bite my nails in excitment, yet I am also worried that they are gonna pull a "kinect" and talk about useless games and garbage that would tear any mans hear out of their chest from agony. 1 hour later I sat there with a smile and feel relieved that the conference was at least a success and showed off interesting and breahttaking footages of future games released under the banner of EA.

They showed off Mass Effect 3, The Old Republic, Battlefield 3 and so forth. There was of course space for some EA Sports, showing off some spectacular graphics.

Talking about spectacular, have you heard about the Frostbite2? No? Well you should start searching it up, 'cause this seems like the new engine to go when it comes to breathtaking graphics for our modern games. Battelfield 3 is fueled by this engine and shows off amazing graphics that makes me worry if my computer would even be able to run this, but with our modern technology, it should be possible to run it.

Overall, the show was a blast and didnt leave me disappointed at all. Aside from EA not announcing a System Shock 3... But that is wishthinking per say.
I would give them 5 out of 6 stars!

E3 has started - Microsoft E3 conference has ended... review

So E3 has started with a bang. Or shall I say with a big crash with the fail train?

Microsoft began the starting signal for E3 and now we all know that there will be tons of exciting and interesting new information, trailers, screenshots and release dates from several huge game developers.
I was very excited to see what Microsoft had to offer this year. Last year it was slightly disappointing, but yet it contained some really interesting and great news. This year however, I cannot help my place the palm of my hand all over my face and say "tsk tsk". We all know that Microsoft is VERY proud of their Kinect... So proud that 90% of the entire conference was about new features added to the Kinect and new games, mostly targeting the younger audience, but also some games for the teens and upwards. The whole tongue in cheek praise from their own people about how wonderous the Kinect is, made me want to gut myself with a fork, it was just plain terrible and too "scripted". THey didnt offer any really interesting games, aside from Modern Warfare 3, even though I am not too fan of the franchise, Ghost Recon, Tomb Raider, Fable: The Journey, Mass Effect 3, Halo 4 and Gears of War 3. Dance Central 2 was rather intersting as well, but even though there has been many games, like the latter, it still didnt seem like Microsoft intended to win the attention of the audience or the viewer, and more like murder us with their terrible way of advertising for their Kinect.

I would give their conferede a 2 out of 6 stars. The few major titles were almost drowned in the terrible Kinect madness, thus they almost saved the conference from its own death.

Incoming E3 2011!

So it has been a year since I updated my blog, just to reminds myself and whoever happens to fall upon my profile that E3 is 'round corner. :D Sucks that the time zone difference is rather huge, so I wont be able to see all shows live (and I got an exam in the middle of everything), but I will follow the news closely... and also make a "looking forward to" list!

Thoughts on Microsoft E3

So I tried to watch the Microsoft E3 show here on Gamespot, but it didnt seem it wanted to work, so I had to jump over to GameTrailers, and it worked pretty well.

Although their conference showed some interesting things about their new invention, the Kinect, formerly known as Project Natal, I was not that much impressed, though there was that game by Harmonix (something with Dance.. I dont remember exactly) which seemed entertaining and the training game seemed also very interesting, but it just felt like I had already seen it before, and even when Kinect is a very interesting media which could do many things, it felt more like an Microsoft version of the Wii.

But aside from that, they showed a trailer for Fable III and even MGS:Rising, showing some few clips of the gameplay and as per usual with MGS, there was a nice new catchphrase simply as "cut all you will" while you see Raiden cut a big juicy lemon.

I really hope that the EA conference and the Sony conference actually will be much better and interesting than the Microsoft one.

My list of games that I am looking forward to from E3

So E3 is soon here, which means tons of new exciting games! Every year the companies reveal their newest IP's and/or show new trailers to games that has been announced some time ago. Of course there are some games that I have heard of, either from last year's E3 or from random news on the net, that I am hoping will have an appearance on E3 this year, so I have decided to make a list of games that I am looking forward to see and hear more about at this year's E3.

Crysis 2

Crysis 2

Even though I am a girl, people get surprised when I tell that one of my favorite games is Crysis. I was amazed by the graphics from the original game, but my computer back then wasn't good enough to run the game on full settings (it could slightly crawl its way through the game with a mixed setting of low and medium but the cutscenes took AGES!). After I saw the rather boring teaser trailer for Crysis 2 from last year's E3, I was excited to see what the second game's plot would be. The first game had a beautiful setting and very smooth combat, I am looking forward to see if the second game can improve it or it'll crush it to bits and make this sequel a pure disaster.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic

I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a toddler, and I couldnt help but smile in joyment when I played Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic 1 and 2 and just wanted more. When they showed the beautiful trailer from SW:TOR last year, I froze in excitement. An MMO with the Old Republic? Oh boy! But I am afraid that the game will join the MMO graveyard like many other MMO and online games or just lose it's playerbase after a month or so. Either way, the Star Wars universe is so big and full of interesting stories and personas that I would think that this MMO will attract many players and maybe be a worthy opponent to World of Warcraft. Only time will tell...

Final Fantasy XIV Online

Final Fantasy XIV Online

I have yet to try out the first Final Fantasy MMO, Final Fantasy XI, but being a huge fan of their other games under the same name, I almost felt like jumping up from my chair when I saw the teaser trailer saying "Final Fantasy XIV" until I saw "Online" afterwards. Not that I mind it, but as I have said about SW:TOR, I am afraid that this game might also end up in the MMO graveyard or not have as many players as the developer might hope. I am looking forward to see more content from this game and what the story might be.

Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

I tried the two first Fallout games and got frustrated by the gameplay, I do hear that they are really good games anyway, but what really caught my interest in the Fallout universe was Fallout 3. Seeing how they made the game so amazing and so catchy, I couldnt help but feel extremely excited for Fallout: New Vegas as well. I heard that the game will go a bit more back to the roots of the two original games, but it would still contain gameplay elements from the third game. Iliked Fallout 3, even though it had some of those "Oh **** moments and I am defiantly looking forward to another great game!

Thats it for now! More will probably come soon whenever rumors spread and more games pop up ;)

Whewt E3!

I'm quite excited for this years E3... Never really tracked it before, but so many interesting games are coming this and the following year, so I really want to see the newest trailers and teasers from the latest games. :) There's so many games coming that I am pretty sure that I will be poor the next 1½ year. (Crysis 2, Prototype, Saboteur, Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, MGS?!?!? Oh my !)

Looking forward to the Sony conference!

PSP ftw!

Okay so.. I havent bought a new gaming system since... God, I think the last time was when I bought me a PS2! So, right now I am in the US and last week I did the crazy thing and buy a PSP. It was hella cheap, it had a game and a movie included and now I am totally addicted to my PSP that I have so far bought 5 games for it. Yes, 5. I think I have in total spent 200 dollars on just games and other stuff for my PSP and that is just ... crazy. I dont want to look on my account when I get back home. *covers face*

Anyways, the games I bought was: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Star Ocean: First Departure + Second Evolution, Final Fantasy Tactics and Burnout Legend. I wanted to get Patapon too, but I didnt see it at the shops I went to, so I guess I have to wait for it a bit =(. *looks at credit card burning*

So my PSP will feed my hunger for a PS3 for a long while, atleast it is cheaper than the PS3 is at home, so that is good :).

Crysis is love~

What the title says... I just finished Crysis and I haven't been so hyper over a FPS since... well i dunno? I certainly cant wait for Crysis 2!
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