People should stop complaining about the art in video games, if there was no art or any visual design, games would just be long string codes and that could be a bit "boring" to look at. ;) The cel shaded style in the game is really nice and refreshing, I've seen games who have more or less murdered this style to the ground, but Gearbox did it so well with Borderlands.On another note, I am really looking forward to play Borderlands 2. It'll be released a few days before my birthday, so maybe I will play the day away with my boyfriend. :D
Wow, cant believe people are complaining about getting free games. I mean, people complain about paying too much for video games or that they have to pay for DLC's and when they finally get the option to get free games, they complain even further... Screw that that the games are rather "old" by now, be a little grateful that Sony gives you the chance to get up to four free games for your PS3 and PSP. Considering the crap they have been going through for a month or so, I am grateful that they atleast offer us something as a "sorry" for what happened.
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