Civfan333 / Member

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bleh, I need to blog more

hehheh, sorry for not bloggin in a long time (if anyone even reads this) well anyway, it pretty much stopped once I joined twitter (I'm character434 for those interested) but anyway, I saw Star Trek, yesterday, most likely the best movie I've seen this year........Wolverine was very meh, especially compared to Star Trek. It was funny how everyone knew all the ST people and the only things I knew about the ST universe was that there was Spock, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, and the main ship was the USS Enterprise. I'll probably go see it in the theatre again just because it's awesome (maybe this saturday? hmmmmm) well in other news, since my last blog post, I've run out of LIVE gold, bought: Call of Duty 2, Mirror's Edge, Soul Calibur IV, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts...........I'm not gonna be getting anything new for a while...... well that about wraps it up for this time, and I hope to put up a new blog around once every other week.....hopefully, but don't get your hopes up......