I am going to be off and on all summer long since I am getting married and am going to have twins in several monts. Next month for sure I will be back. In the mean time I have an idea on making an entire RPG union and have so far made this.
Please give me your opinions. I am currently looking for GM's who are interested in controlling certain aspects of the game. I have storylines planned up to 3 months.
Advent of Misery
At first there was nothing created in the universe but the gods came from another dimension. Moradin the God of creation built a sphere out of rock and metals and created the world of Tyrael. From the sparks from his forge the stars were made. Melora the goddess of the wilderness and sea created water and great forests to sustain life. Corellon brought the first sentinent beingsto the world. The eladrins, fey-like creatures that were brought from their homeworld of Feywild, used their great magical powers to shape the world to their way. Hence Corellon brought magic to the world of Tyrael. Moradin also created the dwarves to assist him in his mission of creation.Through Moradins forge and Melora's ingenuity they created other creatures animals for the world to create. But the peace was not alone as other gods came from the other universe to warn about a demonic invasion was coming to destroy their creation to drag it into hell. They had already taken the homeworld of the eladrins and now they wanted the world of Tyrael. The gods fought the demons smiting them with their powers and threw them back to hell where they belong. The gods mourned for their losses and created other creatures in the image of the patron gods that died. Thus the humans and Halflings were created. The gods also granted other gifts to the inhabitants Kord granted strength, Ioun granted them knowledge, Erathis taught them how to create civilizations, Sehanine taught them freedom, Pelor granted them healing, Sehanine gave them healing and lastly Bahamut created dragons made out of metal to protect the world.
So the world was peaceful for 1,000 years as each creature created there civilizations. The eladrins have by then separated in 2 parts, the eladrins wanted to go retake feywild but others wanted to stay in the forests of Tyrael. These people would later be called elves. The humans and the elves shared a kind of kinship with one another and had children known as half-elves. And some dragons had relationship with other civilized creatures creating a race of dragonmen know as the dragonborn.
The humans and the dragonborn both created huge empires which dominated just about everything in the world. The demons though went to the humans and offered them a way to better control their empire. They drank the blood of the demons and in return became Tieflings, a race of half human and half demon. The Tieflings controlled their homeland with an iron fist. It was not a terrible rule but it had a tinge of cruelty in it.
The dragonborn saw the evilness that was created in the competing empire and decided to invade it to cleanse the land. An almighty war broke and both empires attacked with all their fury. Both empires were shattered in the process until a demonic portal came. Though the sacrifice of countless lives the demons were able to send a hoard of minor demons to drag the world into hell. All armies fought the invaders, even some of the Tieflings helped and after a bloody carnage throughout the world the portal was finally closed and the empire of the Tieflings was over. The demons however have placed a curse upon the world of Tyreal. Now every 666 years the portal shall opens again and the crusade shall begin again.
Its now been 665 years since that tragic war......
The races in the RPG idea are:
Dragonborn are proud, honor-bound draconic humanoids. They wander the world as mercenaries and adventurers. They are strong and possess dragon-like abilities.
Legendary for their toughness and strong will, dwarves are indomitable warriors and master artisans. Dwarven kingdoms are mighty mountain citadels, but clans of dwarf crafters can be found in any town or city.
Eladrin are a Graceful, magical creature born of the Feywild, the realm of Faerie which has recently been dragged to hell. They, quick, and likable people. Halflings gather in small clans in the marshes and along the rivers of the world, traveling and trading widely with the other races. The live in shining cities filled with magic.
Brave and ambitious, humans are somewhat more numerous than other races, and their city-states are the brightest spots in a dark world. However, there still exist vast portions of the world where no human has set foot. love arcane magic, swordplay and exquisite work in metal and stone.
Kin to the eladrin, elves dwell the deep forests of the world and love the beauty of nature. Many elves (and some eladrin too) live in wandering companies tahat visit many lands, staying a season or two in each.
Elves and humans sometimes have children together, giving rise to half-elves. With many of the best features of both humans and elves, half-elves have capabilities distinct from both races. They are charismatic and versatile.
Halflings, the smallest of the civilized races, are a plucky and adventurous group of people. The organize themselves into clans to move from one place to another.
Tieflings are a race descended from ancient humans who bargained with infernal powers. Tieflings are loners who live in the shadows of human society, relying only on trusted allies.
Character CIasses so far:
Cleric: Courageous and devout, clerics are holy warriors and healers.
Fighters: Fighters are experts in armed combat, relying on muscle, training and pure grit to see them through.
Paladin: Devout warriors and champions of their deities, paladins are divinely inspired knights who fight at the front of the battle.
Ranger: Expert trackers and scouts, rangers are wilderness warriors who excel at hit-and-run fighting.
Rogue: Thieves, scoundrels, dungeon-delvers, jacks of all-trades-rogues have a reputation for larceny and trickery.
Warlock: Wielders of forbidden lore, warlocks are dangerous practitioners who turn their baleful powers against their enemies.
Warlord: Hardy and skilled in close combat, warlords are brilliant leaders who have the gift of inspiration.
Wizard: Masters of potent arcane powers, wizards disdain physical conflict in favor of awesome magic.