So, it's been some time since I've written here, and I should probably write more here soon, but for now... I'm a Producer and a Game Designer these days. Can't talk about what I'm working on yet, but you can see the company's site over at Fierce Wombat Games. We've got cool things coming down the pipe, I assure you.
CliffHicks Blog
It returns...
by CliffHicks on Comments
I am going to set Microsoft's CS department on fire.
by CliffHicks on Comments
Red Ring of Death
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by CliffHicks on Comments
BioShock down (and loved) and on to Stranglehold, while trying to replay Halo 2 as fast as we can on coop to get prepped for Halo 3.
by CliffHicks on Comments
Oh good lord. Why am I at work? Why am I not home playing Bioshock? Is this job thing really more important than being at home exploring Rapture? Is there a justifiable reason that I'm doing anything other than playing Bioshock?
Probably not, but I need the money.
by CliffHicks on Comments
I am Random Access Theater...
by CliffHicks on Comments
GTA IV - A reaction
by CliffHicks on Comments
Degree of caring...
by CliffHicks on Comments
...approaching zero. I know a lot of people seem to be all "oooh" and "aaah"ing about the new 360 Elite, but I can only respond with an overwhelming "Meh."
Okay, HDMI. Nice. Not thrilling, but nice. A bigger HD? Okay, sure, I guess, but I've learned not to be a packrat when it comes to files and demos anymore. Being a PC gamer for, oh, two decades or so has taught me that lesson well.
Of course, Sony's claiming this is a victory for them. Because, you know, they thought of it first.
I expect the Elite will sell to a few people, but will not replace the regular 360 for a while, until, y'know, a year or two from now, when the Elite becomes the only one they're selling, and of course the price'll be $200 cheaper...
Man, are we that cynical? "Yes, yes we are, Bill." As the late, great Bill Hicks once said...
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