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Round Table Disscussion Week 3

Sorry im late everyone. So i will make this one breif.

1.Dabest being BANNED.

Yep. Ramrom has been banned. Dabest will no longer be in the RT and i hope he has a better life and terrorizes some other RT.

2. Hornswaggle vs. Cliff Parkins

Well, my match. I predict me being winner. Anywho, This match will be one of the best, it is well build up, and per demand by me, it will be for a future title match, i hope.

3.Nick vs. Android

This match will be a huge crash for Nick's Career. Nick will be forced to lay down for Android, or there will be hell to pay says Speeps.

4.The Dude fighting for his career?

The Dude, i believe he is right now the NY Islanders of the RT. HE is the worst active competitor, and he will neverget better... Unless he gets a good teacher. Anyway, i am laughing at the fact that he almost got a match agenst Dom, and well, maybe he will get better..... Dont take my words for it...

My question of the blog: Does Dude need to retire?

Thanks for reading, next disscussion will be whenever, cause my computer broke :P