Well right now I haven't started anything new. But one ting's weird, a friend of mine comtinued playing PoP: Warrior Within but when I looked up at then on the screen, they're jumping aroung the place as the Dahaka ... or at least something that looks a lot like it.
Well here's the deal ... My friend taps on but seels tp be going round in circles, I mean the clues are dead in his face but the Prince can't grab on or anything. I also noticed that his life is also being drained for some reason. Haven't the foggiest as to why this is or how my friend got to looking like the Dahaha. I thought it was in Prince Of Persia 3 that he's schitzophrenic or something. But then again I'm yet to figure out what exactly happened; probably got caught or some glith or something.
I'll back track or delete the last save and continue fom that point to see what's up with the whole thing there.
Also Lumines's getting more and more fun by the moment ... in the quest for new skins and s**t ... lol anyway it's all good now, this close to "beating the game?" Oops I mean is there an end to all the falling bricks?? my head's begining to hurt from all that racket ... abi u know? :wink: