Hey, readers! I just got two things in the mail today that expire around October 31st and they're both for a month free of Netflix, just to give you a taste of what it is? If you're in the US, but don't have it yet! I would like to give these things away.
So here is what I want to do, It's just going to be a simple first come, first serve kind of thing and if you're one of the first four people to private message me with the answer to these trivia questions, I will give you a code for a free month!
You can watch movies instantly from your tv if it has that special feature, or a special dvd player that is made for this kind of thing, or you can order from the website and have it sent by mail from a choosing on the list, If you watch a lot of movies and don't want any late fee's? Netflix is easily the way to go, you will more than likely watch more movies than you paid for if you keep a regular routine of watching movies and sending them back, you can even order a free dvd that you can install on your 360, or Wii. (I would not advise getting this disc for the PS3, as it's caused mine many of problems, as well as others I know that have tried it.) But the other systems seem to do fine, so here goes the question!
(Keep in mind, that even if you don't want the trial and still want to answer, could always give the code to someone else.)
1. What was the race of the bounty hunter that was chasing down Han Solo on Tatooine. (Hint: Ant eater face.)
2. What were the two new main characters of Tekken 5:Dark Resurrection.
3. Franks covered what? And Chuck knows his way around what?...
4. Devil May '???'
5. Bioshock took place in what city, that also introduced us to the first Big (?????)
This is all for now, thanks for reading and i'm looking forward to seeing your answers, regardless of wanting the codes for yourself, or just to gift to someone else that likes to watch movies!
(Please keep in mind, you need to be in 1 of the 50 states of the US, or District of Columbia to redeem a code for yourself.)
EDIT IMPORTANT: On the back of the card, states that in the 'Your Account' settings, you will find instructions on shutting off your account, that is if you don't find yourself wanting to keep the service!
Fantastic!: We've completed the contest and there are officially no more codes, I love all my readers and would like to thank all of those of you who participated, If I get any more deals like this then I will host more give aways! Keep reading for more interesting articles coming in the future!