This guy will tick you off with cheap punches that take a ton, If not all your HP.. >_>
So yeah, this is one of the newer additions to the older era of the series, It was on the Super Nintendo and is actually quite fun if you can get the hang of swaying and figuring out the timing on their special moves, or what it even consists of, I could almost say it's a little bit of trial and error when it comes to their finishers.
But for those of you not familiar with Punch Out, It's a boxing game that gives you a tiny boxer and pits you against some of the most ridiculously steroid charged fighters that you've ever seen, or even some of the fattest people you've ever seen, that's gotta be saying something in todays world.
I recall cheering after doing this against him, the dude was ridiculously hard, but he only managed to knock me down once this time around, would you believe me if I told you he was only the boss of the minor leagues? D;
Oh jeeze, onto the major... (._.)