Cloud1010's forum posts
yea the game plays choppy as hell.
My xfire username is Daniel56
Anyone that supports the gamepad, please hook one up to your computer, set it up for counterstrike, send me a message on xfire, and lets go 1 on 1.
You pads wont touch me.
Reasons I like the K+M
- Aiming is fantasic
Reasons I dislike the K+M
- No analog movement
- No analog grenade throwing
- No analog trigger for shooting
- Not confortable
- Unhealthy for your hands
- Sucks because no rumble, in real life when you shoot a gun it kicks back
- Sucks for just about every single god damn type of game except for shooters
- It sucks. Thanks god Games for Windows will have 360 controller support
- People who swear by the K+M tend to suck
- Get real, the K+M was not even designed for gaming so don't make me laugh. It sucks.
1. We can do any action in a game without abdoning movement. Example: when your switching your gun in halo you take your hand off the right analog stick to go to the switch button.
2. + 3. Is this suppose to be a bad thing? We have a mouse button and keyboard button to go along with it, and we dont have to abandon movement.
4. + 5. OKAY>>> you sir are a retard How did you type out your post? Did you go see a doctor afterwords because you got pains? lol
6. In real life when you get shot you die.
7. Keyboard + Mouse is meant for FPS, RTS, and MMORPG where the game requires a much higher level of control and percision which the sticks cannot offer. The rest pads are better.
8. Too bad we had joypad support for a long time.
9. I tend to suck? Take me up on that counter strike offer i made. You have your gamepad and ill have my keyboard and mouse. It'll settle if i suck or not and if the higher level of percision is needed.
10. Yes, you are correct, it was not designed for games, but it has become a standard for FPS, RTS, and MMORPG because the games need a higher level of control and percision which the gamepads cannot offer.
Take me up on that cs offer, ill settle this once and for all you dumbass fanboy.
Thats what pisses me off. You bash something else because what you use must be the best thing in the world.
Someone take a gamepad and hook it up to your pc
Then vs me 1 on 1 in cs or css.
You will have the gamepad and i will have the keyboard/mouse.
Next find me a consol game that supports keyboard and mouse and vs me online in that game.
No way in hell is aiming with the sticks better.
My mouse is accurate up to 2000dpi.
DPI is dots per inch. So make a 1inch by 1inch square and image 2000 square dots in their. That my friend is pinpoint accuracy.
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