Can anything save Sony?
CloudStrife213's forum posts
Steam Activity on the first day/second day of the game showed it's peak at 85,000+ people playing, now its peak is only at 33,000+ people playing, even less than Civ 5 which has 45,000+ people playing at it's peak. People are abandoning this game fast.
Source: Civ Beyond Earth Steam Activity
I bought this game first day and I regret buying it, played it for only 17 hours and I'm done with it.
It's basically just a reskin of Civ 5, with the same AI mechanics and dialogue (exactly the same, they didn't even bother to change the dialogue up and to create personalities for AIs). It has bland environments and wonders, bland building/unit/wonder artworks, a complicated tech tree, and an unrewarding victory(all you get is a picture saying that you won, and that's it, even though Civ 5 is like this, I thought they would have at least improved and changed the flaws of Civ 5, but they haven't).
It is Civ 5 without Civ 5's charm and the content is definitely lacking and is a lot less compared to Civ 5(they didn't even bother to add a sh*tload of content at launch and will most probably release it at a later date, this reinforces my resolve to not purchase a civ game at launch in the future).
The game is fun and all, but it definitely does not warrant a purchase if one is looking for more content or something different.
All in all, the game is a disappointment and I'm going back to playing Civ 5.
So let me get this straight, you are complaining that a a game with "Civilization" in the title on a space colony plays like civ5 with space colony stuff.... wow... who would of thought. Did you expect a different game? I sure didn't. I knew what i was getting into and that is a fun civ game. I love tbs strategy and this game is great! Will they add more, sure they always do, it's civ and the base game is fun. If this game wasn't called "CIV" beyond earth, than I would expected something different, xcom was different, but this game is CIV... Why would you expect it to be totally different?
I never said that I was expecting something totally different from Civ 5. Improving upon past games substantially and adding fresh content is essential if any game series ever wants to move forward, else it will suffer from stagnation and lack of innovation.
Having something that offers something interestingly unique and satisfyingly different from a past game is important, else why purchase the game when you can just buy the same game with more content, minus the space setting, building/unit/wonder/victory reskins made for space? If one is really into the space setting, then good, but if not, then the game generally has limited new content aside from affinities(military,unit, and resource upgrades), covert ops(spying with more options), quests(diplomacy made easier), and aliens(tougher reskinned barbarians). Making it to me; and many others not worth a $50 purchase.
The game is fun and all, but it definitely does not warrant a purchase if one is looking for more content or something different. This game is not different enough from Civ 5 to warrant a $50 purchase, in fact, buying Civ 5 now is better because it has more content. But hey, maybe the content is good enough for you and you found the purchase worth your money.
All in all, your opinion is your opinion. As I have said, the game is fun, but it does not offer anything substantially unique to warrant a purchase for me.
Steam Activity on the first day/second day of the game showed it's peak at 85,000+ people playing, now its peak is only at 33,000+ people playing, even less than Civ 5 which has 45,000+ people playing at it's peak. People are abandoning this game fast.
Source: Civ Beyond Earth Steam Activity
I bought this game first day and I regret buying it, played it for only 17 hours and I'm done with it.
It's basically just a reskin of Civ 5, with the same AI mechanics and dialogue (exactly the same, they didn't even bother to change the dialogue up and to create personalities for AIs). It has bland environments and wonders, bland building/unit/wonder artworks, a complicated tech tree, and an unrewarding victory(all you get is a picture saying that you won, and that's it, even though Civ 5 is like this, I thought they would have at least improved and changed the flaws of Civ 5, but they haven't).
It is Civ 5 without Civ 5's charm and the content is definitely lacking and is a lot less compared to Civ 5(they didn't even bother to add a sh*tload of content at launch and will most probably release it at a later date, this reinforces my resolve to not purchase a civ game at launch in the future).
The game is fun and all, but it definitely does not warrant a purchase if one is looking for more content or something different.
All in all, the game is a disappointment and I'm going back to playing Civ 5.
LOL. What can cows say now? 1080p is all that matters anyways, no need for quality gameplay as long as it's 1080p!
Forza Horizon 2 - Metacritic - 86
GS - 8.0 (Reviewer: Kevin VanOrd)
IGN - 9.0 (Reviewer: Luke Reilly)
Drive Club - Metacritic - 70
GS - 5.0 (Reviewer: Kevin VanOrd)
IGN - 7.9 (Reviewer: Luke Reilly)
Forza Killer my ass.
Up next, The Order :1886, LOL!
Well.. Sony itself has stated that Destiny has helped them sell lots of PS4s, and Sony itself has stated that it is the best selling game on the PS4.
So it does not surprise me that they would give this game a 10, if only to drive software and console sales further up.
Source(Sony Website): Destiny: PS4’s Biggest Software Launch Yet
Anybody who thinks that a company's financial status does not apply to System Wars or a gaming forum/website must be kidding themselves. A company's financial status will have an effect on the products/services that a company has, especially future projects. Sony's financial status will undoubtedly affect products/services, in effect, affecting the gaming division of Sony.
What effects this may have on the gaming division on Sony, we may never know, but it does have an effect and such a discussion can apply to System wars, gaming forums and websites. Naysayers of this thread are either fanboys or are too daft to understand the effects this will have on the Playstation and the gaming division of Sony. You do not need to be a financial expert to talk about business.
Here's a gamespot report on the matter : GS News - Sony Braces For $2.1bn Loss; Halo: Reach Coming To Xbox One?
I laugh at the people who ignore metacritic and only rely on gamespot reviews or single/few reviews, especially if it fits with their own bias. Metacritic comes up with a general consensus on what critics have scored a game, and a Consensus > Single/Few opinions.
Fail thread. Even the TC has not replied yet to the bombardment of logical posts. The game will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3 as well so logic would tell you that the game would be held back most by last-gen consoles.
Also lol at diehard cows hyping up a Bungie game. In the past you diehard cows bashed the sh*t out of Bungie and Halo.
Even now you cows bash Halo even though Destiny looks, feels, and plays like Halo.
If this were an Xbox exclusive you cows would be bashing the sh*t out of Destiny.
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