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Not much

hey all! how is everyone?:P

i got a new bed:D:D:D it is super awesome. it's a queen size one. i love it. it is cool.

i have been making lotsa tags lately:P

IT'S OVER 9000!!!--DBZ fans will know what "It's Over 9000!!!" means:P:P


Nouva Shenron

Dragonball Z ones are really easy to make:lol:

the holidays are on! i get 2 weeks to do nothing!!!

it's been rainy the last 2 days. i like rain.

Here are 2 unions to join if you want. The Mirror Designs Union, and fk's house. both haven't got a lot of members, and they're pretty fun as well.

hmmm, i am getting bored with my current banner, it might be time to make a new one...

I've been playing a wee bit of Ratchet and Clank. i love them games.

Lots of new Kingdom Hearts games confirmed (3 actually). I will totally definately get the DS one, and i might just but a psp for the one on psp. i also want FFVII CC as well. that game looks rockin'.

mmm, i don't know why i titled this blog 'not much', it seems to be quite a biggish blog.

oh, and to all you World Of Warcraft players out there, are any of you on a server called Aggramar? cause i think thats the one i'm gonna join:D

my name on wow is gonna be Raian. it's sorta a pun on my name sorta (it sounds like my name). and don't try and steal it. my friend reserved it for me by making a character called that8) he will delete it when i start to play.

i might make a union called The New Zealand and Australian Gamers Union or something. I feel that would be nice.

I slept in until 10:00am this morning:O i usually get up around 7:30 or 8am. it musta been my new bed8)

my cousins are down for the holidays:x they are boring, and we don't share anything in common. oh well, they will be at my nanas:D

lol, it has been an unusually big blog today, so i might stop now

see you guys tomorrow maybe:D ^_^
