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Clownesque Blog

Just waiting

Since ive been so enthusiastic about the 3DS since it came out im a bit dissapointed to find that i haven't played in in at least two months. Although i've been re-invigorated by the heroes of ruin news which is shaping up to look completely amazing, although i wish square enix would give it an official release date so i can obsess and slowly lose my sanity until i get it. Aside from that it's been computer all the way for me playing the hell out of skyrim and arkham city which were both fantastic titles, but admittedly i was dissapointed that batman was far less enjoyable. Still i do love the fantasy genre and it's the first realistic looking RPG that ive really liked, besides what little ive played of oblivion.

I've been doing far more art than anything the past week and a half now and hopefully i can finally turn that into a career. I'm considering beginning with a fan comic for heroes of ruin just for practice, which should in turn bring my skills up further, but i'm a fair way off of even making drafts until i polish up legs, backgrounds and a few small details of positioning.

Just a few random thoughts for now haha... if anyone stumbles upon this and has a 3DS send me your friend code and i'll return the gesture :D

3DS launches

So i got a 3DS the day it came out, i loved it the AR games were fun although short and the unlockables werent really worth walking around to obtain my 10 daily coins. Im not even sure how much further face raiders will even go after 1 playthrough, my only ambition to replay it was if i could get a photo of my boss and swear into the night while makin him choke on tennis balls. I've already traded in my first 2 games i got, which was "super street fighter IV" (nothing against i just shouldnt even glance at fighters) and "sims 3"... look i wont make up an excuse for that... Basically just waiting for zelda at this point, which seems to be the only reason in the near future to ruin the battery on the console, i seriously think they could've remade some simpler DS or even some GBA games into 3D with touched up graphics and a couple extras just to get us through the next couple months... Yeah theyre old and played but if you dont wanna play nintedogs again with some kitties in there too, i think you wouldnt mind replayin metroid fusion, or hunters, maybe even GTA china town wars (that'd be sweet in 3D)... Really just something simple and easy to port without needing too much work so we could use the godamn thing for more than a couple days without getting bored with its initial content. street pass was something i was looking forward to... Now ive come to realise i live in australia and my green light doesnt exist, but my 10 coins do. So obviously either not enough people bought one or those who did want to preserve it for all the good games. Umm where the hell is the chat sytem nintendo? Oh later? sure thing, will we be able to go online with it? guess? i dont like that idea... ill guess its friend codes only too then... Overall its gonna be a good console when developers decide to put some better games on it, like im hoping the speculation for a monster hunter game is true... Capcom seem to want to have sex with the 3DS anyway so im comfortable to get my hopes up. Just need to endure the pokemon games that are to inevitable to find 100 new colors and precious stones to name each one and make me cringe yet again. Lookin forward to seeing some nintendo greats hit it, like metroid and hopefully a smash bros game (crazy if they dont), cant wait for all the RPGs hopefully there'll be a good one, and of course the resident evil games that i hope i wont go mad waiting for. -To those of you who read this thank you, and im sorry, i hope your not asleep... if so WAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE UUUUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!! its over your free now.