- ClunkerSlim’s Activity
This game deserves to be cheated. PVP relies on random RNG drops for weapons. You'll never know if you beat someone because of skill or if your weapon just had a better roll. The entire system is fla...
Did somebody check his chin for the stolen breast milk?
"By Stack Commerce"OKAY.
This movie looks like one joke that's run it's course by the end of the trailer.
Agents of Shield was canon too... until it wasn't.
Ugh. Terrible show gets terrible sequel. Duff continues her streak of picking horrible projects.
HBO Max is the only shot this film has at surviving. It has box office bomb written all over it. It's a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy situation, where it's probably a faithful adaption and maybe ...
@Rufus_the_rat: Some Droid references do end up in later films.
@deth420: There's no such thing as "untouched" when it comes to Star Wars. Lucas has been tinkering with it since Empire even premiered.
GameFAQS just dropping spoilers again. Like, "Screw you, readers." Hope everyone here had seen Battle For Endor before reading this article.
Does this guy not have anything else going on in his life? Like seriously, anything else?
Will this be the game that reunites James and Mike for one more Monday?
Good Lord, how many ways can you find to repackage the same failed shit? A Black and White version? Synder really is delusional, isn't he? He honestly believes this trash is some high art.
I don't get it. This looks stupid.
"Hopefully, the CW shows will return to crossovers in the next year,"Hopefully? Have we not all come to conclusion that the crossovers have been the absolute worst parts of each series? Poor Arrow. Di...
"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"Great timing, Netflix.
Train wreck of a franchise is still a train wreck. Got it.
Oh good, more fake leather chairs that start peeling after about a year and a half.
I hope I can get some of this stuff on ebay when the park folds.
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