My thoughts go out to those who have been affected by this unreal event!!! One!
Clutch22 Blog
Mage 80 New One On the Way!!!
by Clutch22 on Comments
Well I hit the level cap on my mage on July 31 and is now really well geared and I have a blast playing her.
Now I know I said I would never level another toon to 80 before cata hits... well it looks like I did it again. Started a priest and am addicted to her and plan on hitting 80 with her hopefully by this time next month. A friend of mine started on just before me and he wanted someone to level with so I started one as well and haven't been able to put her down so one last grind to 80 and I'm done till cata drops. This time I mean it. I started her on the 2nd of july and am sitting at level 48 right now and that took me 6 days with minimal time to play due to raiding on my main of course and work. Never wanted to play a priest and now I can't stop lol, but thats WoW for ya. I will post updates when I hit the cap, hopefully sooner than later.
The one thing getting to me is I may not level my druid (main) first when cata hits becuase the way they are going with druids is not the way I would like to see them go. Thats a whole nother story that I won't get into but atleast I have or will have 7 toons to choose from when cata does drop and out of all of them my main at the moment is not the one I am leaning towards leveling first, and it bothers me!!!
Cataclysm Beta and Grinding out another toon!
by Clutch22 on Comments
Pumped they finally released the closed beta and now all I can do is wait for the invite. I've been working on a new toon which is a Mage and I'm currently at lvl 51 with 5days /played. Now I started lvling this toon a while back but got in a slump at 40 and stopped playing it, but now that I got a taste of how fun mages can be at end-game content I have decided to stock up on Heirlooms and just grind it out. I did the same a while back with my Warlock and had a blast lvling her, and it only took me 6 1/2 days /played so I'm a bit behind but I plan to be in outland by Sat. and Northrend by the 31st of July. All while still raiding on my main full time which is 4 days a week 3 hrs a night and I run a 10man Heroic run in ICC on fridays with friends. Its more than enough time than I need really, I try to give myself a goal when it comes to lvling so that I don't get distracted. I also lvl them guildless just so that my guild doesn't bother me asking for help or what not so that I can get it done sooner than later. I should be well into the 70's by the 31st but if I get a beta key then that may change. I really want to play the beta and see whats in store for us in cata but I also don't want one at the same time cuz it will prevent me from getting my mage to 80 as soon as possible. I have managed to lvl a Warlock and Shaman from 1-80 (with heirlooms) while wrath has been out and might I say its alot easier than it used to be before they nerfed the lvling exprience and mounts. I also lvled my Rogue from 70-80 which really doesn't take long, I currently have an 80 Druid (main) 80 DK, 80 Warlock, 80 shaman, 80 Rogue, 71 hunter (old main I will probly never play again) 51 mage (in the works to be 80) 10 Warrior and a lvl 1 Pally that will be lvled once cata hits so I can experience the new and improved world of azeroth which should be fun as hell. Oh and of course my lvl 1 bank toon. I'll post my progress as I get closer to the lvl cap and see how fast I can do it while still going out with the wife and partying and of course working.
Finally, The Fall of The Lich King!!!
by Clutch22 on Comments
Finally 3.3.2 is live and i can't wait to kill Arthas, been waiting for this since Wrath was launched. I have a feeling that this fight is going to be brutal. My guild has cleared up to the Queen. (still haven't downed putriside but he will die soon enough) we are trying to clear everything that doesn't count as an attempt on the limit there is to down each of the final bosses in each wing. Makes sence to get all the fights down and get as much gear from them as we can without wiping like crazy on. Stack up on gear then once we have all the fights down it will be time to take on the wing bosses and finally Arthas. I don't think we will see him for a few weeks if not a month or 2 (hopefully weeks) until then its progression time ladies lets do this!
Wrath of the Lich King Beta!!!
by Clutch22 on Comments
What brings someone to do this???
by Clutch22 on Comments
WASHINGTON: It came out of nowhere, passengers on the Canadian Greyhound bus said. A young man was sleeping, head against the window, when the man sitting next to him began stabbing and then decapitating him as other travellers watched in horror.
The grisly and apparently random attack outside Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, on a bus bound for the capital, Winnipeg, ended with police apprehending the killer hours later, after a standoff.
The 37 other passengers, including several children, were left to relay their tale of the man wearing sunglasses who suddenly pulled out a hunting knife.
"We heard this blood-curdling scream and turned around, and the guy was standing up, stabbing this guy sitting next to him repeatedly, like 40 or 50 times," Garnet Caton, who was sitting in front of the victim, told journalists.
"When he was attacking him, he was calm - it was like he was at the beach. There was no rage … he was just like a robot stabbing the guy."
Terrified passengers fled from the bus and took shelter along the side of the road as the driver disabled the vehicle so the attacker could not escape.
When Mr Caton and the driver returned to the vehicle, they found the assailant still hacking the young man's body into pieces.
The severed head of the man, described as in his 20s, was displayed to the stunned passengers. "He went back to his seat and brought the head to the front and … displayed it to us … then dropped it on the ground." Mr Caton said.
Canadian mounted police took the passengers to a nearby hotel as others began an investigation. The identities of the victim and the suspect were not to be released until the families were notified.
A spokeswoman for Greyhound, Abby Wambaugh, offered condolences to the victim's family. "The incident was very tragic but was an isolated event," she said. "Bus travel has been and remains the safest mode of travel in the country."
The company said it would provide the passengers with any assistance, including trauma counselling and transportation.
Canadian officials had no explanation. The Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, said the assailant should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
In my world this guy would have already ben killed no questions asked.... Death Penalty!!!
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