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Cataclysm Beta and Grinding out another toon!

Pumped they finally released the closed beta and now all I can do is wait for the invite. I've been working on a new toon which is a Mage and I'm currently at lvl 51 with 5days /played. Now I started lvling this toon a while back but got in a slump at 40 and stopped playing it, but now that I got a taste of how fun mages can be at end-game content I have decided to stock up on Heirlooms and just grind it out. I did the same a while back with my Warlock and had a blast lvling her, and it only took me 6 1/2 days /played so I'm a bit behind but I plan to be in outland by Sat. and Northrend by the 31st of July. All while still raiding on my main full time which is 4 days a week 3 hrs a night and I run a 10man Heroic run in ICC on fridays with friends. Its more than enough time than I need really, I try to give myself a goal when it comes to lvling so that I don't get distracted. I also lvl them guildless just so that my guild doesn't bother me asking for help or what not so that I can get it done sooner than later. I should be well into the 70's by the 31st but if I get a beta key then that may change. I really want to play the beta and see whats in store for us in cata but I also don't want one at the same time cuz it will prevent me from getting my mage to 80 as soon as possible. I have managed to lvl a Warlock and Shaman from 1-80 (with heirlooms) while wrath has been out and might I say its alot easier than it used to be before they nerfed the lvling exprience and mounts. I also lvled my Rogue from 70-80 which really doesn't take long, I currently have an 80 Druid (main) 80 DK, 80 Warlock, 80 shaman, 80 Rogue, 71 hunter (old main I will probly never play again) 51 mage (in the works to be 80) 10 Warrior and a lvl 1 Pally that will be lvled once cata hits so I can experience the new and improved world of azeroth which should be fun as hell. Oh and of course my lvl 1 bank toon. I'll post my progress as I get closer to the lvl cap and see how fast I can do it while still going out with the wife and partying and of course working.