So I went into Akihabara and bought some Japanese game systems, notably a 360 and PS3. Primarily becuase my US systems are back in the states, and I'm not keen on hacking them....and I'm just impatient. However it has afforded me the oppurtubity to play new Japanese titles as they are released. Including some that are out but won't make it across the pond to the US. Yes, of course I'm referreing to plenty of Gundam titles, but as I explore the Japanese gaming scene I'm finding there are many other games that interest me that I never saw in America. In the meantime however I have picked up some Japanese Gundam games. Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation Troy (360) and Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record UC 0081 (PS3). Both definetely appeal to my fanboyism, particularly 0081, the MS selection is really good, and the graphics are great. This is a game that should be released in the US if only to cleanse the stink cuased by the first PS3 title Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight (called MSG: Crossfire in the US). While I had no complaints about Crossfire (probably due to my fanboyism) I could see the arguements against it. The MS were clunky, and the overall control scheme just didn't feel all that great. I was able to look past that but I can see where it would be a real problem for most. UC 0081 has no such control issues. The battles are fast paced and action packed. They are a tad repetitve however, but then again I need little excuse to strap on an 80-ton mecha and blow stuff up. The story is good so far, though since it is in Japanese I have a small trouble following it. I understand maybe every fourth or fifth word so the story is lost on me, though the cutscenes are well animated. Music is good, graphics are gorgeous for me and overall has a well polished feel to it; much more so than Crossfire had. Now the other title, Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation Troy is like Battlefield with giant robots. How can you go wrong? In multiplayer not much, the single player is at best mediocre. Though the controls for MS feel clunky again, I understand they were trying to go for a sense of weight and they acheive this but at the expense of some playability. It feels more like Mechwarrior than Gundam. Personally I'm cool with this but for those who might import the game be aware that it might not be what you expected. Graphics are hit or miss, Mobile Suits look beutiful and the environments not so much. Overall I like it becuase it essentially combines what I love about Gundam with Battlfield. If you're iffy about it there is a demo out but you'll need to creat a Japanese X360 Live account. There are guides out there for how to do it. Those are the only two games I got right now but I might go out and grab some older PS2 titles as well and give them a try, see what I've been missing (if anything). Until I find a way to get my camera up I won't be doing any vids yet, but sooner or later you'll be getting some updates from Japan. Hope I can reveal some questions you might have about the country and it's culture. ANy requests you have please feel free to foward them to me. Keep on Gamin!
~ISSN Christie, USN