First I haven't finished Mass Effect 3. Between watch and other duties I have not devoted gobs of time to playing it. That said it has been impossible to not notice a whole lot of foaming at the mouth regarding ME3's end. That it's stupid, or a cash in or non-sensical, etc, etc. Perhaps my view will change when I reach the end myself but even if it is a load of horse manure I still don't think I'd feel my time was wasted; and not just with this entry into the series. Despite all the individual nit-picks I've had, the driving sections, scanning, breaking obvious moral grey area questions down into paragon and renegade choices, partially forcing a social agenda (and no I am not referring to the injection of gay love into the series. The choice where you unplug the Batarian terrorist or let him suffer.); I've had a wonderful journey. I've enjoyed the richly detailed and highly original universe; a place I truly could get lost in. We as gamers have a strong sense of entitlement and that's not necessarily a bad thing. We pay a good deal of money, a good deal more on DLC, and we expect to get our money's worth.This however is a tad subjective, if an ending or story point doesn't agree with us is the experience completely destroyed as a result? Did you still have fun while playing? When did games stop being a source of fun and became something almost as divisive and serious as politics? Well perhaps that's a bit of an extreme thought but I still can't help but feel that we tend to nag on very small pieces of a game, when the whole package is enjoyable. Case-in-point, I have played every Call of Duty title. Mostly just the single-player. Is it repetitive, cookie cutter, and mostly mindless. Most assuredly. Did I have FUN? Hell yeah. I guess for me personally it is all about the journey.Fulfilling endings (MGS4 sticks in my mind as a masterpiece of closure)are one of many things that separate great games from good games, but is it always necessary? I seem to recall a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth regarding the ending(s) for Half Life 2 and it's subsequent Episodes. At the same time those were all epic trips that I continue to repeat to this day. So if the ending does prove a complete let down will I be all that upset? Maybe, but in the end it's been a fun ride. Keep on Gamin!