So I just finished a new vid blog, it's not the Microsoft rant yet buta topicthat really confronted me recently. That of misrepresentation of RTS servers. Granted this is not an OMG issue, but it is something to think about. Granted some of us may feel that newbs deserve to be pummeled since they are just that, but seriously gaming is about having a good time, unless your playing competitevly whats the point of being Korean about it? Not that there is anything wrong with the Koreans, but you get my point. That nation has made Starcraft a sport, and that in it's own right is cool. But seriously the average gamer isn't an expert. And for experts to lie about their skill in order to bait less skilled players just looking for a good time, not cool. Anyways watch the vid and form your own opinions, thats the beauty of Gamespot!
Keep on Gaming!
EDIT: The damn video uploads have been really wonky these past few days. As soon as they work I'll try to get it up. They seem to have fixed it, but once complete it simply reverts to the browse and upload video screen. It doesn't encode or post the video.:evil:
EDIT #2:!#@$&)(!&@~~~!!!!! Now it's telling me it can't upload the video becuase I've already done it. GAH! Alright I'll rename the file and hope that works :evil: