Well thankfully we hardly even got hit. The only thing that happened is that the power went out and several tree branches fell off. Our power went down around 2 am on Saturday. It stayed down until last night. After the power came back on we just reorganized ever thing that we had put away in case any windows broke. So all and all nothing horrible happened at all. We are very lucky that nothing bad did happen. The hurricane was acutely heading directly to us and would have done devastating damage, but 3 days (Thursday) before the hurricane hit, we had record highs in heat around 100 degrees and literally pushed the hurricane away from our city (Houston). Though because of that it still did horrible damage to other cities east of us.
CoHchick Blog
Hurricane Rita
by CoHchick on Comments
Change of plans
by CoHchick on Comments
As you know, I was planning to evacuate with my family tonight. We had scheduled a flight at 5:00 pm to leave, unexpectedly the air port shut down at 2:00 pm. We decided to drive to our destination instead, but then we thought why bother? The highway is literally a parking lot, and we could have run out of gas before even getting there. So no we are staying at our house, though we didn't buy any spare food because we thought we were going to leave. So now that the stores are closed, and there is no possible way to get a generator for the house. Though we have plenty of food in the freezer and a barbeque inside the house, I just hope the power doesn't go down. I'll just have to see what happens.
I'll be gone for a while
by CoHchick on Comments
Sorry for not posting very often, because of missing 2 days of school last week I was given a lot of homework to finish last night, I didn't have enough time to sign on. All so I may not be back on for a while because there is a new hurricane heading our way and our power might go down for several days or our house might even be destroyed. But don't worry about my safety, my family and I will be driving out of the state before the hurricane will ever hit us. Though where my mother lives does not have internet at the moment and there isn't a cyber cafe' or library in miles. So please excuse my absence for the next couple of days, or weeks. Please tell any one you know that know's me that I am gone for I do not have time to PM every one, thank you.
I'll be gone for a while
by CoHchick on Comments
by CoHchick on Comments
New icon by force
by CoHchick on Comments
Well this is utterly annoying. I had to get a new icon, as you have seen on the boards it was constantly going off and on. Now that I go to the site it no longer exists. I was force to get a new icon. Though the new icon I found is decent(the first second one bellow), it will flash the site it came form and is all so a little blurry. The last icon I has was perfect in size and the quality was great as well. I do have several icons in photo bucket I would like to use, but I'm not sure if they would look the tone I want for my icon. Please vote to decide which icon you think I should have.
1) ~ I'm not sure if this would give the correct expression of what I want people to think of me
2) ~ This is the icon that I like the facial expression on Kurama
3) ~ This one is the same as my old one it is just smaller and not as clear
Out of controll character elimination
by CoHchick on Comments
If any one noticed...
by CoHchick on Comments
Results I've Had
by CoHchick on Comments
Life is all about balance. Darkness can't be
without light, and light can't be without
darkness. You see everything through different
angeles to gain perspective over situations.
You act rather rational and people can find you
stiff and/or emotionless due to this. Life is
not really that good to you, yet it's not so
bad. Like everything else, you need to balance
it in order to find peace.
How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla
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